
kǒu tóu hé tonɡ
  • see also 口头契约
  1. 同时,本罪的合同在一般情况下是书面合同,但也不排除口头合同。

    Meanwhile , this contract is ordinary written contract , but also includes the spoken contract .

  2. 然而口头合同的缺陷亦很明显,频发纠纷。

    However , the shortage of oral contract is also obvious and it causes many disputes .

  3. 人们通常认为口头合同不具备法律上强制执行的效力。

    It is common for people to believe that a contract will not be legally enforceable unless it is in writing .

  4. 有的认为合同诈骗罪的合同只能是书面合同,口头合同不能成为合同诈骗罪的合同。

    Some people hold that the contract of the crime of contract fraud limited to written form , the oral contract can not be the contract thereof .

  5. 应该对合同诈骗罪之合同形式作开放性解释,不仅书面合同可以构成本罪,而且口头合同和其他形式的合同也可以构成本罪。

    In addition , the contract fraud in criminal law , should be interpreted from an open perspective , which means that both oral and written contracts will constitute the crime of contract fraud .

  6. 通常敲定交易的,是口头订立的合同,握手和目光注视。

    It is the unwritten contract , the handshake and the look in the eyes that often seals the transaction .