
  • 网络word of mouth;word-of-mouth;oral communication
  1. 这条新闻被口头传播到每一个部落。

    The news was carried by word of mouth to every settlement .

  2. 新想法经口头传播了出去。

    New ideas were disseminated by word of mouth .

  3. 如果口头传播证明有效,那么美国运通就将投入旨在创造“轰动效应”的病毒式营销(viralmarketing)攻势。

    If word-of-mouth proves effective , American Express could engage in viral marketing campaigns designed to create " buzz " .

  4. 然而,民间自发生产的唱片媒介(录音磁带、VCD光碟)的介入打破了民间音乐几乎为单一口头传播的状况,并由此产生了新兴的角色:农民明星、导演和制作人。

    However , the intervention of folk music recording ( include tape record and VCD ) produced by the folks ' spontaneities has broken folk music 's hardly single oral communication , and bring the new folk music roles : the peasant star , director and producer .

  5. 他们说口头传播是最好的广告形式。

    They say Word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising .

  6. 瞽目艺人文化渊源及民间口头传播述论

    On the Origin of Folk Artists and Oral Dissemination of Culture in China

  7. 口头传播是民间音乐的特征之一。

    Oral communication is regarded as one of the features of folk music .

  8. 口头传播的闲话(通常有真实的也有不真实的)。

    Gossip ( usually a mixture of truth and untruth ) passed around by word of mouth .

  9. 人类已经历三种不同的传播方式:口头传播、书面传播和多媒体传播。

    The mankind have gone through three different kinds of propagation : oral propagation , literal propagation and multi_media propagation .

  10. 宋词的口头传播方式初探&以歌妓唱词为中心

    A Preliminary Study of the Oral Communication and Transmission of the Song Ci-poetry : Centered by Singsong Girls ' Singing Ci-poetry

  11. 希腊神话,最初以口头传播的方式在远古时代流传,而后逐渐形成文本。

    In ancient times , Greek mythology was circulated with the original way of oral communication , and then gradually formed the text .

  12. 强化消费者认知,了解消费目的;重视消费者情感需求和口头传播效应,强化口碑营销;二是建立信任机制,以信取胜。

    Pay attention to the emotional needs of consumers , and strengthen the mouth-to-mouth marketing . Secondly , build trust mechanism towin the letter .

  13. 明清时期《三国演义》的传播者按传播媒介划分可分为文本传播者和口头传播者。

    Ming and Qing Dynasties " The Three Kingdoms " communicator divided by the mass media can be divided into text and oral communicators .

  14. 民间非职业性的口头传播形式除了三国故事外,还有歇后语、谚语等方式。

    Private non-professional nature of the " The Three Kingdoms " stories in addition to oral communication , there are twisters , proverbs , etc. .

  15. 以上述塞恩菲尔德为主角的广告为例,设计该广告就是旨在测试互联网、电视和“口头传播”广告之间的相互影响。

    The campaign featuring Mr Seinfeld , for example , has been designed to test the interaction between internet , TV and " word-of-mouth " advertising .

  16. 罗宾逊说该网站只允许大约15%的会员介绍新会员入会,藉此来保持网站的“信用和口头传播的方式”。

    Mr. Robinson says the site maintains its ' trust and word of mouth ' by allowing only about 15 % of its members to invite new members .

  17. 口头传播从理论上而言从来就不会停止,但因缺乏材料,以致宋元之前无从考稽。

    Theoretically , the oral spreading could never ceases through ages . However , we cannot investigate the means due to lack of materials before the Song and the Yuan Dynasties .

  18. 在中国古代传播方式的历史演进中,口头传播、印刷术传播、邮驿传播三种不同的传播方式具有鲜明的特色。

    The history of information communication in China has observed the three means of oral communication , written communication and post house communication , each being unique in its own way .

  19. 互联网也是找工作的好地方,许多招聘机构现在都有自己的网站。然而,在许多行业,招聘消息都是口头传播的。

    The internet is also a huge resource for job hunters , with most recruitment agencies now having some kind of website.However , in many industries the best way to hear about jobs is through word of mouth .

  20. 它的产生与发展演变经历了一个漫长的过程,从最初的口头传播到纸质媒介、到后来的广播、电视媒体,再到最近的网络媒体。

    Its production and the development evolution have experienced a long process , from the initial oral dissemination to the paper medium , then to broadcast , the television media , and at last arriving at the recent network media again .

  21. 从传播学的角度,依据传播载体、传播主体、传播方式的不同,分别从书面传播和口头传播、官方传播和民间传播、有组织的传播和自发性传播等不同角度讨论重庆抗战歌谣的传播特点。

    According to communication studies , based on the differences in the communication carrier , main body and means , it expounds from three perspectives respectively , namely written and oral communication , official and folk communication , and organized and spontaneous communication .

  22. 打油诗的普及性与这种文体的传播方式相关,主要有口头传播与散文故事、儿歌、戏曲等其他文体融合传播、寄居于严肃诗体或者与民间诗体混杂等民间传播方式。

    The popularity of doggerel correlates closely to its spreading ways which mainly includes oral spreading , spreading through its combination with prose , story , nursery rhymes , dramas and other types of writing and folk spreading through attaching to serious poetry and folk poetry .

  23. 民俗可以是以口头形式传播的,就像我们在朋友那儿听到的都市传奇故事,叙事者会向我们保证那确实是发生在他们亲人或者朋友身上的真事;

    Folklore may be passed along in verbal form , like the urban legend that we hear about from friends who assure us that it really happened to a friend of their cousin .

  24. 中国古代许多科技思想是通过口头传授得以传播和保存的。

    There was lots of ancient science and technology thought of China , which spread and preserved by oral teaching .

  25. 三百年前,新闻以口头或书面形式传播,并且以小册子、简报的形式在小餐馆或咖啡屋中流传。

    THREE hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter , and circulated in taverns and coffee houses in the form of pamphlets , newsletters and broadsides .