
liú xíng
  • popular;fashionable;prevalent;prevail;in vogue;catch on;rage;obtain;currency;a la mode
流行 [liú xíng]
  • [prevalent;popular;in vogue; fashionable] 广泛传播;盛行

  • 传染病流行时常有护士奇缺的情况

流行[liú xíng]
  1. 我好奇这个在英国怎么这么流行。

    Cheers ! I wonder how prevalent this is in the UK .

  2. 百日咳正在广泛流行。

    Whooping cough is very prevalent just now .

  3. 这张专辑一进入每周流行唱片排行榜便占首位。

    The album went straight into the charts at number 1 .

  4. 美国流行音乐已传播到世界各地。

    American pop music has been exported around the world .

  5. 这些结果说明卫生条件差是疾病流行的一个原因。

    The results implicate poor hygiene as one cause of the outbreak .

  6. 他们的每一张激光唱片都曾经非常流行。

    Every one of their CDs has been a hit .

  7. 现在又开始流行蓄长发了。

    It 's becoming fashionable to have long hair again .

  8. 黄色是今春时装界的流行颜色。

    Yellow is the predominant colour this spring in the fashion world .

  9. 这首歌不可能不流行起来。

    The song can 't fail to be a hit .

  10. 本季时装主要流行暖色调和柔和线条。

    This season 's fashions focus on warm tones and soft lines .

  11. 他发明了一种新的游戏,但从未真正流行起来。

    He invented a new game , but it never really caught on .

  12. 办公室里流行着一种病毒性疾病。

    There 's a virus going around the office .

  13. 骑自行车是欧洲第二流行的体育运动。

    Cycling is Europe 's second most popular sport .

  14. 他嘲笑喜欢流行音乐的人。

    He sneered at people who liked pop music .

  15. 最近的流行思想是促进妇女对体育的兴趣。

    The latest big idea is to make women more interested in sport .

  16. 这支乐队的第一张单曲唱片有五个星期高居最畅销流行音乐唱片榜榜首。

    The band topped the charts for five weeks with their first single .

  17. 这段时间的流行风格是柔和、浪漫。

    This season 's look is soft and romantic .

  18. 这种音乐融合了西方流行音乐和传统民歌。

    The music was a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk song .

  19. 披头士乐队是典型的流行音乐乐队。

    The Beatles were the archetypal pop group .

  20. 由于流感爆发已大肆流行,疫苗供应开始消耗殆尽。

    Vaccine supplies started to run dry as the flu outbreak reached epidemic proportions .

  21. 这种体育活动非常流行。

    Exercises of this kind are very popular .

  22. 橘黄色是今年的流行色。

    Orange is the big colour this year .

  23. 在政界右翼人士中这种想法很流行。

    Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians .

  24. 他们是一支很受欢迎的乐队,但到目前为止还未能在每周流行唱片榜上取得佳绩。

    They 're a popular band but chart success has eluded them so far .

  25. 这张唱片中收集了爵士乐与流行音乐两种风格相结合的精彩作品。

    The album was an exciting jazz-pop crossover .

  26. 紫色是今年春天的流行色。

    Purple is the in colour this spring .

  27. 新款式服装使旧的款式不再流行。

    New fashions drive out old ones .

  28. 短裙子又流行起来了。

    Short skirts are back in style .

  29. 黑色又成了流行色。

    Black is in vogue again .

  30. M4号高速公路西向车道车流行驶缓慢。

    Traffic is slow on the westbound carriageway of the M4 .