
  1. SK公司建立流程型组织的研究

    Research of Establishing SK Company 's Process Organization

  2. 流程型组织的构建研究

    Studying on the Construction of the Business Process-oriented Organization

  3. 流程型组织结构的设计及其有序度的模拟计算

    The Design of Process-oriented Organizational Structure and Its Simulation Computing of the Degree of Order

  4. 新的企业组织形式的兴起,促使职能型组织逐渐向流程型组织演化。

    The new enterprise organization form regards as the organization evolution from the Functional organization to the Flow type organization gradually .

  5. 宇航船务还需要不断的总结和提高,真正使企业达到流程型组织的要求,前途无疑是任重而道远。

    Yuhang shipping company needs to continually improve itself and make itself meet the requirement of the process-oriented organization , the prospect is bright but the road is long .

  6. 论文通过对比流程型组织和职能制组织并结合组织变革的一般原则提出基于流程管理的组织变革原则;

    The research tasks are embodied as follow , contrasting process-based and functional organization , combined with common principles of organizational transformation brings forward principles based on Process Management .

  7. 面对以患者、竞争、变化为特征的现代医院运行环境,医院必须由传统的职能型组织结构转型为流程型组织结构。

    Patient , competition and change are characteristic of the modern hospital manage environment , the hospital must be made the transition from traditional Processed-oriented Organization to Processed-oriented Organization .

  8. 现代企业组织结构正由职能型组织向着扁平化,柔性化,网络化发展,其中流程型组织结构就是发展趋势之一,并且这种结构已经在部分企业得到应用和实施。

    The modern enterprise organizations tend to be flat-styled 、 flexible and network connected . The process-oriented organizational structure is one of trends of development , and this kind of structure already obtained the application and the implementation in the individual enterprise .

  9. 一种新的多项目管理模式&流程导向型组织结构模式探讨

    A New Model of Multi-project Management & a Research on Project-oriented Organization Structure

  10. 流程型的组织结构具有传统的直线型和职能型结构所不能比拟的优点:组织结构围绕心流程,而不是部门职能建立;企业管理过程由以职能为中心向以流程为中心转变;

    Process-Oriented Organization has many virtues better than traditional Beeline - Oriented and Function-Oriented structure : the structure is designed according core processes , not section function . function-oriented enterprise management to center-oriented ;

  11. 正是由于存在这样的差别,使得适用于评价职能制组织的绩效考核体系很难客观公正的评价出流程型团队组织的绩效。

    Just due to these changes , it becomes very difficult to utilize the performance evaluation system applicable to functional organizations to give an objective and fair evaluation for the performance of processed organizations .

  12. 论文的第四部分则是在理论研究的基础上,通过实例应用研究来说明本文提出的流程导向型组织结构有助于提高工程施工企业资源在多项目间的进行优化配置。

    The fourth part is the basis of the theory , by example to illustrate the application of the proposed process-oriented organizational structure helps to improve the construction project in multi-enterprise resources to optimize the allocation .

  13. 在Intranet的基础上,企业通过组建流程导向型的组织结构、流程小组和以协作为中心的企业文化可以构建卓越的业务流程,提高在市场上的竞争力。

    On the basis of Intranet , enterprise can build excellent business process and improve abilities to compete in the market by setting up process-oriented organization structure ? team work and cooperation - centered enterprise culture .

  14. 流程导向型企业组织结构模式初探第一部分主要针对业主方项目组织内部的流程再造和构建流程型组织结构进行了系统研究。

    An Exploratory Research on Process-Oriented Organization Structure The first part mainly discusses reengineering the owner 's business process and establishing Process-Oriented Organization .

  15. 最后得出从建立核心技术优势,优化管理流程,建设学习型组织上培育与提升自身核心竞争力的结论。

    At last , a conclusion is deduced on how to cultivate and promote the enterprise core competence , which includes enhancing core technology capability , optimizing managerial procedure and building study organization .

  16. 门诊流程优化对于医院经营管理、医院流程型组织的构建、医院信息化等方面有着重要的作用。

    The optimization also plays a vital role in hospital management and operation , construction of process organization and informationization .

  17. 最后,根据岳洲商业银行优化后的业务流程和组织结构,设计了基于流程型组织的内部绩效管理方案,并对方案的特点、保障措施与应注意的问题进行了分析。

    Finally , designs the performance management plan base on optimized service process and organizational structure , in which analyzes the possible risk and proposes the corresponding measures .

  18. 本文从流程导向、系统优化、知识基础和组织设计方面对流程型组织进行深入研究,旨在对流程再造理论作出进一步的完善,为企业改革提供变革思路。

    In this dissertation , the problems of process-oriented organization have been explored from the aspects of the process orientation , system optimization , knowledge base and organization .

  19. 如何弥补流程再造的不足,构建一个具有顾客导向、以流程为中心、组织结构的扁平化、组织边界动态化、整合性等特点的流程型组织形态,成为适应环境变化组织变革的迫切需要。

    How to overcome the limitation of the business process reengineering , construct the process-oriented organization that the characteristics of customer-oriented , process-based , flat structure , dynamic and integrated boundary is urgent need for the organization reform to adapt to the environment changes .