
  1. 另一个流行品是无线扬声器系统,最新的型号可以与任何拥有蓝牙技术的设备连接,包括智能手机、平板电脑和平板电脑。

    Another popular item is wireless speaker systems . The newest ones work with any device that has Bluetooth technology , including smartphones , laptops and tablets .

  2. 涨价的可能还有电子和其他流行消费品,因为它们的成本结构也在变化。

    Probably for electronics and other popular consumer goods , as well , because their cost structures are shifting , too .

  3. 它最多只能算是“迷人”,远谈不上“绝妙”,它就是一部愚蠢的流行文化消费品,充满好玩的生物、糟糕的对白和气喘吁吁的表演——和我记忆中的一样。

    It 's more charming than sublime , a silly pop-culture throwaway full of funny creatures , terrible dialogue and breathless acting .

  4. 为了举办这次车展,科博会展中心被改造成了布置有各种艳丽展品和流行会展营销品的宽敞大厅,这些展品的显著特点是,它们代表了汽车工业的最新趋势。

    For the event , the Center has been transformed into an expanse of flashy displays and trendy marketing displays , featuring the latest in automotive engineering .

  5. 在台湾,快乐丸是都市年轻人流行的消遣品,和锐舞派对与耍酷的地下文化相连。

    In Taiwan , ecstasy is a popular pleasure for urban youth , associated ( 16 ) with rave parties and an underground culture that is cool .

  6. 如果你喜欢穿高跟鞋,但又不愿意让双脚受折磨,那么最近流行的鞋品应该就是你一直在寻找的。

    If you love wearing high-heeled shoes but hate the torturous impact they have on your feet , then your prayers could be answered by the latest trend in shoe fashion .

  7. 从我的第一手经验,我知道假冒品市场相当广大并且它的消费族群大多是年轻的消费者。他们了解流行奢持品声势显赫并具有高度收藏价值,但却不愿意或消费不起真品。

    From my first-hand experience , I knew that the counterfeit market was huge and that the primary consumers were young consumers who knew of popular luxury brands and their associated prestige value , but were either unable or unwilling to purchase the genuine item .

  8. ESCADA是流行于国际奢华品市场的女士服装及配饰品牌,代表了摩登雅致,魅力和感性。

    Escada is an international fashion company for womens apparel and accessories at the international luxury goods market . Escada stands for modern elegance , cool glamour , and sensuality .

  9. 作为食用的槟榔,槟榔与香烟、口香糖已并列成为许多国家现今最流行的口腔嗜好品,它在全世界许多国家的销售量越来越大。

    Betelnut , cigarette and chutty have been considered as popular mouth hobby staple in many countries , and the demand become larger and larger .