
  • 网络New tourism products;New Tour Product
  1. 旅游农业是新兴的农业领域和当今人们时尚的旅游新产品,无论在国内或国外,旅游农业的发展都很快。

    Tour agriculture is a newly arisen agriculture realm and a new tour product with vogue . It is developing very quickly both in domestic and abroad .

  2. 基于TPC及DLC理论的汉中旅游新产品开发策略

    The Development Strategy of New Tourism Product Based on TPC & DLC Theory in Hanzhong City

  3. 论文以分时度假这个全球盛行的休闲旅游新产品为研究对象。

    The thesis mainly focuses on the studies of Timeshare , a new leisure product that is gaining popularity in this world .

  4. 旅游新产品开发以专项旅游为主,其地理分布向现存旅游景区外围扩散。

    The new tourism products for teenagers are mainly the special subject tourism , and will be spread out of periphery of present tourism region .

  5. 本文论述了开发桂林抗战文化旅游新产品的必要性及开发的优势所在,并就如何开发作了几点具体的建议。

    The article discuss the necessity and the predominance of exploiting tourism of Guilin 's culture of the war of resistance Japanese , and put forward some idiographic advice about the exploitation .

  6. 因而,苏州有必要加大会展旅游等旅游新产品的开发力度,改善产品结构,从而提高苏州旅游产品的整体吸引力与竞争力。

    Suzhou needs to take efforts on developing new tourist products to improve the product structure and market comparative .

  7. 发展旅游保险,应加大宣传力度,整顿与规范旅游保险市场,开发旅游保险新产品,健全销售体系,积极探索提升保险附加值的有效途径及纠纷处理多元化机制。

    To promote China 's travel insurance , we should focus on upgrading publicity , regulate travel insurance markets , develop new travel insurance products , perfect marketing systems , seek effective ways to enhance insurance value-added and establish multi-mechanisms for dispute resolution .

  8. 要求加强基础设施建设,提高旅游服务质量,引进旅游人才,注重从业人员培训,解放发展思想,开发乡村旅游新产品,调整旅游规划,提升乡村旅游文化内涵。

    Strengthen the infrastructure construction , improve the quality of tourism services , the introduction of tourism professionals , focusing on training employees , liberate the development of ideas , and develop new products , make adjustment to tourism planning enhance rural tourism and cultural connotations .

  9. 近年来,本公司先后推出了生态游、自助游、奖励旅游、“旅游车站”、百年中国之旅、红色之旅和老年人之旅等30多条旅游新线路、新产品。

    Recent years , we have carried on the following new routes : wild tour , random tour , incentive tour ," Tour station "," China century ", Red Army tour , Old men tour .