
  • 网络travel agency product
  1. 本文从旅行社产品原材料的特点和旅游需求个性化趋势对旅游产品的影响的角度,分析了利用网络技术进行旅行社产品生产的必要性,并探讨了旅行社网上采购的B2B模式。

    From the impact angle of the nature of raw materials of travel agency products on trends of tourism demand personalization , the article analyses the necessity of using network technology in travel agency production , and studies the B2B model of Internet purchasing in travel agencies .

  2. 旅游市场效率及其博弈分析&以旅行社产品为例

    An Analysis of Tourism Market Efficiency and Its Game

  3. 旅行社产品价格战的思考

    Thinking of Travel Agencies ' Products Price War

  4. 试论旅行社产品的售前、售后服务

    Service before Sale and after Sale Should Be Reinforced to Products of the Travel Service

  5. 北京地区居民旅行社产品消费特征实证研究&兼对旅行社产品设计和营销的建议

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of the Consumption to the Travel Service Products from Beijing Residents

  6. 基于125休假制度下旅行社产品开发的思考

    Thinking on the Product Development of Travel Agencies Based on the " 125 " Holiday System

  7. 旅行社产品同质化及其成因分析

    An Analysis of the Product Homogeneity Problem of China 's Travel Service and Its Cause of Formation

  8. 假日调整背景下旅行社产品开发三位一体对策研究

    Study on the Trinity-countermeasures of the Development of Travel Agency Products on the Back of Holiday Adjustment

  9. 本文总结了我国旅行社产品开发的现状,并对其发展趋势进行了分析。

    The paper analyzes the present condition of travel product and further probes into the trend of tourism development .

  10. 由于旅行社产品的同质性,旅行社的营销活动应更加重视营销渠道的建设和管理,以获得竞争优势。

    The product tour agents provided is the same . Pay more attention to the channel marketing and get advantages .

  11. 中国旅行社产品单一、雷同只是一个表面现象,问题实质是产品创新不足。

    The products are simple and similar in Chinese travel agency , which is a superficial phenomenon , and the true reason is lack of innovation .

  12. 导游员对工作和企业的各个方面的满意度高,工作的积极性就高,就会努力地工作,服务质量就好,有利于旅行社产品的销售。

    The employee will work hard and provide good service positively if the tourist guide satisfaction degree is high , which will definitely benefit to the travel agency .

  13. 目前,报纸不仅为我国旅行社产品促销的主要广告载体,亦是公众获知旅行社广告信息的重要途径。

    Nowadays , newspaper is not only the main advertising carrier of tourism product , but also an important way for the public to be informed by travel agencies .

  14. 导游服务质量的好坏直接影响着旅行社产品的销售,而导游员的满意度直接影响着导游的服务质量。

    The quality of tourist service directly affects the selling of travel agency , while the satisfaction degree is also a direct factor to the quality of tourist service .

  15. 旅行社产品具有搜寻品与经验品的双重属性,其旅游线路属于搜寻品,其服务属于经验品。

    Travel agency products are typical products of dual attribute , namely , search and experience . The tour routes are search products , while the services are experience products .

  16. 针对这种情况,笔者从市场细分、线路设计、实效推广、专利经营及网络化联盟五个方面阐述了创新是旅行社产品走出低价竞争怪圈的真正出路。

    Aiming to solve these problems , this paper elaborates ways to get out of the circle as follows : market subdivision , route design , actual effect promotion , patent management and network alliance .

  17. 通过对服务创新相关理论进行梳理,提出旅行社产品创新的方向、生产方式选择以及旅行社产品创新的四维度框架。

    Through summarizing service innovation theory , the paper has put forward the direction of product innovation of travel agency , production method choice of travel agency , as well as the four-dimensional framework of product innovation of travel agency .

  18. 旅游线路是连接各种旅游吸引物的纽带,是旅行社产品的核心,是旅游目的地吸引力的直接体现,也是满足旅游者需求的基本的首要的条件。

    Tourist route is the link that connects all kinds of tourist attractions , the core of products of tour agencies , the direct reflection of attraction of tourist destination , and the basic and essential conditions to meet the tourists ' needs .

  19. 随着我国旅游业的发展,旅游市场的竞争日趋激烈,导游人员的服务质量越来越成为影响旅行社产品质量的关键因素之一。

    Along with development in domestic tourism industry and the high competition in the tour market now , the service quality of the tour guide has being become one of the pivotal factors which influence service product quality of the travel agency more and more .

  20. 本文从消费者对产品需求的角度,以实证的方法分析了目前北京市居民旅行社产品的消费特征,并以消费者行为为依据,对旅行社的产品服务与营销提出相关建议。

    From the perspective of the demand to travel service products , this positive research identifies consumer 's characteristics of the consumption to travel service products from Beijing residents . Based on consumer 's behaviors , the paper raises marketing suggestions to the travel services in Beijing .

  21. 目前,我国旅行社产品设计主要是依靠行业实践者的经验判断或者主观推断,而缺乏科学合理的技术方法。

    One important reason is that the product of travel agency can be easy to imitate , homogenization and lack of innovation . Now , the product designs mainly rely on some Industrial practitioners ' experiences or subject judgment . And it is lack of scientific and reasonable technical method .

  22. 从文化要素的设计视角谈旅行社专线产品同质化现象的解决之道

    Solution for travel agency special route product 's same quality phenomena-From design angle of culture factor

  23. 导致中国旅行社业产品创新不足的因素是多方面的,有产品特性、旅行社业内部因素和外部因素。

    The causes for less innovation may be the product feature , the internal and external factors of travel agency .

  24. 游客购买旅行社的产品时,就只能根据旅行社的报价和自己的判断来决定取舍,与旅行社之间就存在着一个信息不对称。

    Tourists travel products purchased , can according to travel with his own judgment , and travel to decide between an asymmetric information .

  25. 旅行社在产品设计上应该推出能集自然之美和异域风情于一体的山水结合型观光产品,并针对中青年市民和文化收入较高的高端市场推出富含文化底蕴的自然风光深度旅游产品。

    The travel agencies should sell scenic products which combine mountains and rivers and lakes connecting natural beauty with local flirtatious expression and sell better tour products with rich cultural information and natural beauty for middle aged people and young people and the people with high income .

  26. 旅行社徒步旅游产品开发研究&以杭州为例

    A Study on the Possibilities of the Development of Hiking Products by Travel Agencies & Take Hangzhou for an Example

  27. 从市场调研与预测、选取生态化的供应链、实施绿色营销的角度入手讨论了旅行社生态旅游产品开发的实践操作。

    Elaborates on ecotourism product development by discussing the market investigation and forecast , the selection of ecological supply chain and the implementation of green marketing in practice .

  28. 旅游业议会总干事董耀中说:香港居民意识到,如果他们需要得到保障,就要通过有资质的旅行社购买旅游产品。

    ' Hong Kong citizens realize that if they want attention , they have to purchase through a licensed agent , ' says Joseph Tung , the council 's executive director .

  29. 旅行社是旅游产品设计、组织和销售的渠道商以及消费者之间的桥梁。

    As the head of tour industry , the travel agency is designer and organizer of tour product , the vendition channel for provider , as well as the bridge between destination and customers .

  30. 研究自驾车旅游产品的形成、产品特性,能为旅行社开发相关旅游产品提供有益的参考。

    The study of the birth of drive-travel product and its property can offer travel services beneficial references .