
shuǐ shēnɡ dònɡ wù
  • aquatic animal
  1. 水生动物维生素C营养研究进展

    Review in Nutrition of Vitamin C in Aquatic Animal

  2. 维生素C是水生动物必需的营养物质,在促进生长、抵抗疾病、增强机体免疫力等方面发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Vitamin C is essential nutrition to aquatic animal , and plays a key role in its growth , resisting diseases , enhancing immunity .

  3. 有时在松动的石头下可以同时看见栖息的陆生动物和水生动物。

    Terrestrial and aquatic fauna may sometimes be found resting together under a loose stone .

  4. 维生素C对水生动物生长、繁殖及免疫的调节作用

    A Review : Regulation of Vitamin C in Growth , Reproduction and Immune in Aquatic Animals

  5. 应用多重PCR检测水生动物源气单胞菌安徽分离株的毒力基因型分布

    Detection of virulence genotypes distribution in Anhui isolation strains of Aeromonas spp. from aquatic animals by multiplex PCR

  6. AFLP技术在水生动物遗传学研究中的应用及前景展望

    Application and Prospects of AFLP in Genetics Studies of Aquatic Animals

  7. POPs在湖泊水生动物中的积累及其危害

    Accumulation and the Harm of POPs to Organisms Lived in Lakes

  8. 结果表明,HPLC方法是检测水及水生动物中软骨藻酸的简便有效方法。

    The result showed that HPLC analysis was a simple and effective method for determining domoic acid in water and aquatic animals .

  9. SNPs在水生动物遗传多样性分析的应用

    Application of SNPs in genetic diversity analysis of aquatic animals

  10. 为了解水及水生动物体内软骨藻酸的污染状况,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)方法检测了部分水及水生动物中软骨藻酸的含量。

    The content of domoic acid in water and in the body of some aquatic animals was detected by HPLC in order to find out the pollutant condition .

  11. 珠江口水体、沉积物及水生动物中HCHs和DDTs的含量与生态风险评价

    Risk assessment and investigation of HCHs and DDTs in the water , sediment and aquatic animals from the Pearl River Estuary in China

  12. ARA,EPA和DHA等脂肪酸是细胞膜的重要组成部分,能够影响细胞吞噬能力及呼吸爆发强度,还可以通过控制与免疫相关的酶活性而增强水生动物机体的免疫能力。

    EFA is an important component in cell membrane , can influence the cellular phagocytosis and respiratory burst strength , and increase the aquatic animals ' immune ability with regulating the enzymes relating to immune .

  13. 水溞(Daphnia)属于甲壳纲、淡水枝角类的浮游水生动物,广泛分布于世界各地,是水生食物链中的关键生物。

    Daphnia ( Cladocero : crustacea ), an important animal of the diet for many fish , is widespread in the world and has a critical role in aquatic ecology chains .

  14. 嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonashydrophila)是我国淡水养殖中常见的致病菌之一,常引起水生动物大面积爆发败血症。通常认为这类细菌只有中等毒力,属于条件性致病菌。

    Aeromonas hydrophila is the most common pathogenic bacteria in the freshwater , which often cause of large outbreak on aquatic animals , Usually , It belongs to conditional pathogenic bacteria which is only moderate virulence .

  15. 底栖动物(Zoobenthos)是指生活在水体底部肉眼可见的水生动物类群,种类繁多,广泛分布在各种水体中,是水生态系统的一个重要组成部分。

    Zoobenthos refer to the aquatic group that live in the bottom of a water body and can be seen with naked eyes . They dominate a very important part in the aquatic ecosystem , with diverse species and wide distributions in all kinds of water bodies .

  16. 陕西水生动物防疫检疫工作分析与研究

    Analyse and research of Shaanxi aquatic animal epidemic prevention and quarantine

  17. 硫酸锌对4种水生动物的急性毒性作用

    Acute toxicity of zinc sulphate on four hydrocoles in fresh water

  18. β-葡聚糖与水生动物免疫功能的关系

    Relationship between β - glucan and immunity function of aquatic animal

  19. 水生动物专门用来有用的平而宽的肢。

    The flat broad limb of aquatic animals specialized for swimming .

  20. 烷基苯磺酸钠对水生动物的生物效应研究

    Study on Biological Effects of Sodium Alkylbenzenesulfonate on Aquatic Animals

  21. 硒是水生动物的必需微量元素之一。

    Selenium is one of essential trace elements in aquatic .

  22. 稻鸭共生对稻田水生动物群落的影响

    The impact of rice-duck intergrowth on aquatic animals community of rice fields

  23. 噬菌体显示技术及其在水生动物病毒学上的应用

    Phage display technique and its application in Aquatic Animal Virology

  24. 水生动物组织细胞与水体环境重金属离子间的生态学研究

    Ecological Relation Between Aquatic Animal Cells and Heavy Metal Irons

  25. 溴氰菊酯在水环境中的降解及对三种水生动物的毒性

    Deltamethrin Degradation in Water Environment and Its Toxicity to Three Aquatic Animals

  26. 黄鳝捕食几种小型水生动物的规律

    Predation Regularity of Monopterus albus upon Several Minitype Aquatic Animals

  27. 长江防洪工程对珍稀水生动物和鱼类的影响

    Influence of Yangtze flood control projects on rare aquatic animals and fishes

  28. 芽孢杆菌对水生动物抗病力影响的研究进展

    Research advancement of Bacillus sp. on the disease resistance in aquatic animals

  29. 某些雌性水生动物,如雌章鱼或虾。

    Female of certain aquatic animals e.g. octopus or lobster .

  30. 河口及近岸海域低氧环境对水生动物的影响

    A review on the effects of hypoxia on aquatic animals in estuaries