
mǎ xì chǎnɡ
  • circus;hippodrome
  1. 他们在搭建圆形马戏场的时候使用了大象。

    They used the elephants to help put up the circus .

  2. 马戏场近来成了人们激烈争论的焦点。

    Recently the circus has been the centre of a violent controversy .

  3. 她觉得穿着短裙很臃肿,就象是在马戏场上一样。

    She felt gross in her tutu , like something in a circus .

  4. 马绕着马戏场小跑。

    The horses trotted around the circus ring .

  5. 马小跑着进入圆形马戏场。

    The horses trotted into the circus ring .

  6. 那个小丑以夸张的动作在马戏场中走动。

    The clown flounced about the circus ring .

  7. 马匹在马戏场上腾跳。

    The horses pranced in the circusring .

  8. 皮诺奇绕着马戏场慢慢走。

    Pinocchio walked slowly around the ring .

  9. 尤其是适合于马戏场表演用的公象,就更不容易找到。

    The males , which alone are suitable for circus shows , are much sought , especially as but few of them are domesticated .

  10. 今天在这一带是全新的大街、竞技场、马戏场、跑马场、火车起点站、一所名为马扎斯的监狱,足见进步不离刑罚。

    To-day , there are brand-new , wide streets , arenas , circuses , hippodromes , railway stations , and a prison , Mazas , there ; progress , as the reader sees , with its antidote .

  11. 所以赛马场就是拉丁语中的马戏表演场。

    So the hippodrome is the circus in Latin .

  12. 他们俩都混进了马戏表演场,结果他俩又都被逮住了。

    Both of them zoomed the circus , and both of them got arrested .

  13. 第12天:丹尼尔邀请贾斯敏去了马戏表演场,他们乘车游了恐怖屋。

    Day12 : Daniel invited Jasmine to a circus and they ride on a Horror House .

  14. 介绍了上海马戏城杂技场铝钛合金网壳的施工安装技术关键。

    The paper introduces crucial construction and installation technology of aluminium - titanium alloy reticulated shell for the acrobatic hall of the Shanghai Circus-City .