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  • socialist humanitarianism
  1. 归结到一点,那就是要发扬社会主义人道主义原则。

    In a nutshell , that is to develop the principle of socialist humanitarianism .

  2. 坚持为人民服务原则,坚持集体主义原则,坚持社会主义人道主义原则对科学处理好新形势下复杂人际关系十分有效,对构建社会主义和谐社会有着重要作用。

    Adhere to the principle of serving the people , collectivism and socialist humanitarianism is not only very effective in dealing with complicated interpersonal relationship under the new situation of science , but also plays an important role in building a harmonious socialist society .

  3. 实现社会主义人道主义,是实现人的全面发展的哲学价值要求;

    It is therefore a philosophical necessity to realize socialist humanism .

  4. 社会主义人道主义是马克思主义人道主义的一种重要的当代理论形态。

    Socialist Humanism is an important contemporary theoretical component of Marxist Humanism .

  5. 社会主义人道主义在我国具有初级阶段的特性。

    Humanitarian socialism in our country has the primary stage nature of socialism .

  6. 人道主义批判与社会主义人道主义

    Critique of Humanism and Socialist Humanism

  7. 而广泛深入的社会主义人道主义精神、人文精神和人文关怀意识则是道德规范由他律转化为自律的思想基础。

    Moreover , an extensive and thoroughgoing humanist spirit fulfills the function of ideological groundwork for the transformation of moral regulation from the outside disciplining to the self-disciplining .

  8. 我国现代监狱提倡对服刑人员实施社会主义人道主义管理,这要求监狱环境建设的与时俱进,其中包括监狱绿化建设。

    The modern prison advocates carrying out socialist humanitarian management for prisoners in our country . This requires the prison environment construction keep pace with the times , including prison greening construction .

  9. 同时,本文论述了边缘伦理学研究对人文学科发展的影响和推动,呼吁发扬社会主义人道主义精神给予边缘人更多的伦理关怀。

    Furthermore discusses the influence and promotion of borderline ethics research on the humane studies , and appeals for carrying on socialism humanitarianism spirit and shows more ethical loving care for the borderline persons .

  10. 最后,提出马克思人道主义在当代的表现形态是社会主义人道主义,并对社会主义人道主义的特点、内容以及在当代的意义进行了阐述。

    Finally it proposed the contemporary performance shape of Marx humanitarianism is the socialism humanitarianism , and has carried the elaboration on the trait , the content and the contemporary significance of the socialism humanitarianism .

  11. 我们只要正确地把握了马克思人道主义思想的真实面目,就能树立它对社会主义人道主义的指导地位,就能深刻地认识它对新中国的建立与改革开放所带来的现实意义。

    As long as we correctly grasp the Marxist Humanism and the true face , we can establish the guiding position of its humanitarian socialism , it can be a profound understanding of the establishment of New China brought about by the reform and opening up the practical significance .

  12. 脑死亡标准基于社会主义的人道主义与功利主义,而非资本主义的个人主义。

    The criterion of brain-death is based on humanitarianism and utilitarianism rather than on the privatism .

  13. 以临终者为中心,弘扬社会主义医学人道主义精神;

    Take the dying patient as center , carry forward the humanistic spirit of socialistic medical science ;

  14. 就社会理想而言,冯契认为,合理的社会理想应当是社会主义和人道主义相统一的社会理想。

    On the social ideal , Feng Qi believes that reasonable members of the community should be the ideal unity of the socialist and humanitarian ideals of the community .

  15. 第三章阐述了当代中国医学人文关怀教育的特征,主要体现在三个方面:第一,必须体现社会主义医学人道主义的价值取向;

    The Third Chapter expounds the characteristic of education of China Modern Medical Humanities Concern which mainly gives express on 3 respects . Firstly , it must reflect the attitude of the value of the socialist medical humanitarianism .

  16. 资产阶级常常标榜他们如何讲人道主义,攻击社会主义是反人道主义。

    Members of the bourgeoisie often boast how humane they are and attack socialism as inhumane .

  17. 不仅体现了效率与公平相统一的社会主义利益关系体系的客观要求,而且体现了以人为本、全面发展的社会主义人道主义精神和人类自我完善的主体性特征。

    It also reflects not only the objective demand of the socialist interest system of unifying efficiency and fair play ; but also the socialist humanitarianism spirit of taking people as the standard and aiming at an overall development as well as the subjective characteristic of human 's self-perfection .