
  • 网络Social revolution
  1. 既能实现交流又能被广为接受的手段就是社会革命。

    The vehicle that permitted both communication and acceptability was social revolution .

  2. 首先,它推入了近代社会革命的发铺。

    Firstly , it promoted the development of modern social revolution .

  3. 在人生目的论上,E·弗洛姆抱有强烈的人道主义情愫,他希望通过心理革命培养出健康的精神和健全的人格,通过社会革命建立一个能促进人的全面发展的健全的社会。

    On the ideal of life , as a humanist , Fromm desires persons to culture healthy spirits and sound personality by psychology revolution , and hopes the society a sound one by society revolution .

  4. 20世纪初中国社会革命之争述评

    Debates on Social Revolutions for China in the Early 20th Century

  5. 两人开启了零售、商业,甚至社会革命。

    Both created retailing , business , and even societal revolutions .

  6. 但事实上它们三种革命都属于社会革命。

    But the fact is that they were all social revolutions .

  7. 俄国社会革命党建党基础述评

    Comment on the basis on which Russian Social Revolutionary Party was built

  8. 论社会革命

    On the Theories of Social Security On Social Revolution On social technology

  9. 帝国主义是无产阶级社会革命的前夜。

    Imperialism is the eve of the social revolution of the proletariat .

  10. 俄国知识分子与社会革命党政治恐怖主义路线

    Russian Intellectuals and the Line of Social Revolutionary Party 's Political Terrorism

  11. 对苏维埃地位的这种认识直接影响了孟什维克和社会革命党人对苏维埃的态度。

    Such idea held by them would directly influence their attitude to Soviet .

  12. 政治或社会革命的过激支持者。

    A radical supporter of political or social revolution .

  13. 论社会革命与社会现代化体制现代化目标问题;

    Revolution and Modernization the modernization of the socialsystem ;

  14. 在这个国家酝酿已久的社会革命。

    Social revolution , long incubating in this country .

  15. 可以说,网络在全球范围内掀起了一场社会革命,这场革命将对人类社会生活的方方面面产生深远的影响。

    The Internet has started a society revolution .

  16. 那么,这一体制发生了什么而导致了中国一场真正的社会革命?

    What happened to this system that made in China a genuine social revolution ?

  17. 社会革命问题。

    And the question of social revolution .

  18. 单向度的人是异化的人,对人的单向度存在的扬弃仍然需要通过社会革命来完成。

    The abandon of the one-dimensionality existence of human should be completed by social revolution .

  19. 从王朝革命到社会革命&冲击-反应论与近代中国革命的转换

    From Dynasty Revolution to Society Revolution & the Transition of Impact-reaction to the Modern Revolution

  20. 孟什维克与社会革命党对苏维埃地位和作用的认识

    The Cognition of Menshevik and Social Revolution Party to the Position and Function of Soviet

  21. 在二十年代,阶级斗争和社会革命是他们阐释唯物史观的中心点。

    In the 1920s class struggle and social revolution is the centre of historical materialism .

  22. 论马克思社会革命概念的深刻内涵&兼评哲学教科书对社会革命概念的误读

    The implications of Marx 's social revolution & Correction of its misinterpretation by philosophical textbooks

  23. 然而这一变化正是我刚刚描述的那场社会革命的不可避免的结果。

    Yet this change is the inevitable corollary of the social revolution I have last described .

  24. 文化的抉择和拒绝是任何社会革命不可回避的难题。

    The choice and abnegation of cultures are unavoidable and difficult problems in any society revolution .

  25. 数字化技术带来的一场社会革命正在全面、深刻的改变着我们的生存方式。

    Digital technology is a social revolution which is deeply and completely changing our style of being .

  26. 为了更好的未来,当地正在发生一场社会革命。

    In an effort to build for the future , a social revolution is in the making .

  27. 奥克亨那坦为埃及带来了宗教和社会革命,开启了新纪元。

    Akhenaten brought religious and social revolution in Egypt and started a new era for the nation .

  28. 左联时期,她的女性意识与阶级解放意识和社会革命意识融会在一起;

    In the 1930 ′ s , her feminine consciousness was mingled with class emancipation and social revolution .

  29. 据我所知,中国只出现过两次真正伟大的政治社会革命。

    As far as I know , China has had only two really great political and social revolutions .

  30. 现当代山水画自然观开始变为社会革命意识、政治决策、经济政策的附庸。

    Modern and contemporary landscape painting nature started becoming social revolution consciousness , political decision-making , economic policy dependencies .