
  • 网络socioeconomic status;SEs;Social Economic Status
  1. 所以本实验将采用内隐认知和ERP技术的方式,拟从一个新的角度来探讨高低社会经济地位间的群际冲突。

    So we used the implicit cognition and ERP technology to explore the intergroup conflict between high or low SES group .

  2. 以415名初二和高二年级学生为对象,采用修订后的《青少年科学创造性测验》,考察了家庭社会经济地位(SES)、智力和内部动机与创造性的关系。

    415 middle school students were used as subjects and the Revised Scientific Creativity Tests for Adolescents as instrument to investigate the relationships of family SES , intelligence , intrinsic motivation and creativity .

  3. 这是在剔除了智商、社会经济地位和入学时的学业技能等受控因素的影响之后的结果。

    This was after controlling for IQ , socio-economic status and academic skills at school entry .

  4. 埃默里大学的埃里卡•霍尔最近的一项研究发现,"黑人"比"非裔美国人"受到的负面评价更高,因为社会经济地位存在差异。

    A recent study , conducted by Emory University 's Erika Hall , found that " Black " people are viewed more negatively than " African Americans " because of a perceived difference in socioeconomic status .

  5. 保罗·C·布朗森公司的创始人保罗布朗森就是一位月老。他同ABC谈起一款针对上流人士的交友App“联盟”时说到,该软件可提供社会经济地位、外貌吸引力等指标为用户筛选出他们心仪的对象。

    Matchmaker and founder of the Paul C. Brunson Agency , Paul Brunson , expounded upon this when speaking with ABC about an " elitist " dating app called The League , where users are curated by things like social economic status , physical appeal , and more .

  6. 在健康公平性分析中,将人群分为不同社会经济地位亚组,采用直接法对不同健康指标进行年龄标准化处理,并计算不同人群差异的RR值和集中指数。

    The whole population was divided into several subgroups according to their socioeconomic status and age standardization was performed to calculate the value of different health indicators . RR and concentration index were calculated based on different health indicators .

  7. 运动可能自我在不同的社会经济地位(SES)上有差异,SES中、高的运动员的运动可能自我高于SES低的运动员,SES中、高的运动员之间没有显著差异;

    There is SES difference in exercise possible themselves . Athletes who own middle and high SES has higher exercise possible themselves than one of lower SES . There is no difference between middle and high SES .

  8. 结果老年人主要健康问题为慢性非传染性疾病患病率高、ADL丧失率高,由于社会经济地位偏低导致的心理和社会健康损害以及在卫生服务需求上的高需要和低要求状况。

    Results The findings of our study demonstrated that a higher prevalence of chronic diseases , losing the ability of activities of daily living ( ADL ), mental barriers and social adaptation barriers caused by a lower socio-economical rank were the main problems to the old population .

  9. 广州在国内外大城市比较中的社会经济地位

    Guangzhou 's Social and Economic Status as Compared with Other Metropolis

  10. 家庭社会经济地位与大学生就业&一个社会资本的视角

    Family Socio - economic Status and Possibility of Students ' Employment

  11. 这还是把社会经济地位考虑进去之后的结果。

    This was even after having taken socioeconomic status into account .

  12. 家庭社会经济地位、智力和内部动机与创造性的关系

    The Relationships among Family SES , Intelligence , Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity

  13. 随着物流业在整个社会经济地位的提高。

    With the logistics industry in the whole social economic status enhancement .

  14. 论法国大革命前夕资产阶级社会经济地位的提高

    Rise of Social and Economic Status of Pre-revolutionary French Bourgeoisie

  15. 这部分人口的社会经济地位看来也正在发生变化。

    What seems to be changing is the socio-economic status of that population .

  16. 社会经济地位、社会支持与流动农民身份意识

    Economic Status , Social Support and Self-identification of Migrants

  17. 但是杰斐逊观察到,尽管美国梦叙事模式解释了社会经济地位的上升

    But , observes Jefferson , while the American dream narrative explains upward mobility

  18. 城市层级森严,根据社会经济地位进行划分。

    Cities were stratified according to socio-economic caste .

  19. 低社会经济地位对儿童发展的影响研究综述

    Review the Foreign Research on the Effects of Low Socioeconomic Status on Child Development

  20. 尽管具有某些生物方面的优势,但妇女健康仍因其社会经济地位较低而受到损害

    Despite some biological advantages , women 's health suffers from their lower socio-economic status

  21. 接受教育时间的长短是社会经济地位的一个很好的指标。

    Time spent in education is a good indicator of social and economic position .

  22. 从某人的谈吐来推断其社会经济地位等特征。

    Determining characteristics such as socioeconomic status from the way a person uses language .

  23. 不同社会经济地位家庭儿童的入学数学准备状况比较

    Mathematics for School Readiness and Family SES

  24. 社会经济地位与网络资源

    Social Economic Status and Social Network Resources

  25. 数据分析的结果显示:社会经济地位变量的三组假设中,均有部分假设被证实。

    The data analysis results show that : part of the hypothesis has be proven .

  26. 人们追求和提升教育身份,实质上就是追求和提升个人的社会经济地位。

    People run after educational identity , substantially hoping to promote personal social economic status .

  27. 占据着介于下层阶级和富裕阶级之间的社会经济地位。

    Occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower classes and the wealthy .

  28. 社会经济地位、环境因素及个人行为对肺结核发病危险的研究

    Social economical status , behaviors and environment as the risk factors of tuberculosis in Chengdu China

  29. 透视当代美国华人的社会经济地位

    Social Economic Status of American Chinese

  30. 社会经济地位、社会支持网与农村老年人身心状况

    Socioeconomic Status and Social Support Network of the Rural Elderly and Their Physical and Mental Health