
  • 网络social market economy;soziale Marktwirtschaft
  1. 德国社会市场经济模式对我国扩大内需的启示

    The Enlightenment of German Social Market Economy Model on Expanding China 's Domestic Demand

  2. 在对失业问题的分析中展望社会市场经济的未来。

    Analyzes the unemployment question , then forecast the future of the social market economy .

  3. 国际社会市场经济&一种全球秩序框架的展望

    The International Socialist Market Economy : The Prospects for a Global Order Framework

  4. 社会市场经济国家也不应因为道路正确就得意忘形。

    Nor should the social market countries be too emboldened by this vindication .

  5. 票据作为一种典型的有价证券在现代社会市场经济中发挥着巨大的作用。

    Bills as the typical securities play a huge role in the modern social market economy .

  6. 她建议其它国家应发展社会市场经济,对企业行为实施更严格的规定。

    She suggested other countries should develop social market economies with greater rules on business conduct .

  7. 1948年,德国实行货币改革,社会市场经济模式开始实施。

    In 1948 , Germany implemented the monetary reform , the social market economy mode began to implement .

  8. 为此,俄将沿着既定改革道路,完善社会市场经济体制;

    For this purpose , Russia will improve social market economic system along the set road of reforms .

  9. 这条道路的体制模式是德国弗莱堡学派提出的有秩序的市场经济或社会市场经济。

    The road follows the institutional mode advocated by the German Freiburg school 's orderly market economy or social market economy .

  10. 特别是在经济方面,在对国有企业快速私有化的基础上,全面向社会市场经济体制转轨。

    Especially , its economy mechanism changed to social market economy comprehensively on the basis of rapidly privatization of state-owned enterprises .

  11. 在经济上,加强法制建设和道德建设是社会主义社会市场经济发展的客观需要,并能促进其发展。

    In economy , socialist legal construction and moral construction is the natural need of the socialist market economy and can quicken its tempo .

  12. 其次在法国、瑞典、日本等模式的衬托下重点论述了自由市场经济模式和社会市场经济模式的差异。

    Then , with the economic modes of France , Sweden , and Japan , it demonstrates the features of developed market economic systems .

  13. 毕竟在过去的十年里,社会市场经济国家不得不朝着盎格鲁-撒克逊模式努力,引入经济改革以获得竞争力。

    After all , during the previous decade , they had to move in the Anglo-Saxon direction , introducing economic reforms to gain competitiveness .

  14. 随着社会市场经济的发展,文学与影视的关系越来越受到社会的关注。

    With the development of social market economy , the relationship between literature and film has been increasing concerned more and more by the society .

  15. 社会市场经济模式因此被世人公认为是一种成功的市场经济模式,并且受到越来越多的关注。

    The social market economy mode was recognized as a kind of successful market economy mode by common people and received more and more concerns .

  16. 以上原则构成了社会市场经济模式的核心思想,二战后德国经济的崛起就植根于这一模式。

    These principles are the leitmotifs of the social market economy model on which Germany 's economic rise after the second world war was built .

  17. 然而,20世纪90年代后社会市场经济已丧失其效率,突出地表现为居高不下的失业率。

    However , after the 1990s the social market economy has lost its efficiency , indicated by the unemployment rate which stayed at a high level .

  18. 其目的是维护消费者的合法利益,保持经济又好又快地发展,维护社会市场经济的稳定。

    The aim is to safeguard the legitimate interests of consumers and maintain sound and rapid economic development , maintain social stability of the market economy .

  19. 德国统一后,在东部实现了由国家计划经济向社会市场经济的转轨。

    After the unification of Germany , East Germany has carried out the translation of economic pattern from the national planned economy to societal market economy .

  20. 中国银行的改造是在从传统的计划经济转型到社会市场经济这样一个背景下进行的,是一个长期的,周期性的过程。

    The banking reform in China carries on in the background which shifts from traditional planned economy to socialist market economy , experiences long-term , periodical process .

  21. 现代社会市场经济的全面推进,各行各业都面临着竞争与发展的挑战。

    As the Market economy is blooming rapidly for the recent decades , the various trades and occupations are facing the competition and challenge of the development .

  22. 本文将对这些问题进行讨论。德国的社会市场经济发展得比较完善,既不同于美国,也不同于日本,在世界上所有的市场经济类型中具有独特性。

    The socialist market economy in Germany , which has developed to a fairly perfect level , is quite unique , different from both American and Japanese systems .

  23. 民商法作为市场经济的基本法律,对促进现代社会市场经济的良性运行具有不可替代的作用。

    As a basic law for market economy , the Civil Law plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the benign running of market economy in the modern society .

  24. 目前,国外发达社会市场经济的主要模式有三种:美国的自由市场模式、德国的社会市场模式以及日本的政府主导型市场模式。

    Currently , there are 3 types of western social market economy formats : American free market mode , Germany social market mode and Japanese government leading market mode .

  25. 这一体系有与德国社会市场经济相适应的优势,又相伴存在探索性的不完善与分散性的局限。

    This system has the advantage of adaptation to market e - conomy in German society , besides this , there exists the imperfections of exploration and limitations of dispersion .

  26. 归结与研析德国社会市场经济理论及其财经政策,探讨其体制于中国的借鉴与操作性。

    This paper sums up and analyses the social marketing economic theory in Germany and its financial policies , inquires into the reference and operation of the systems for China .

  27. 从而昭示民族文化在现代社会市场经济条件下,不断的被开发过程中,应该如何进行深度传承与绿色保护。

    This article tries to declare , with the continuous development , what we should do to inherit and protect the nature under in the market economy of modern society .

  28. 因此,在社会市场经济这种新形势下,各高校在进一步拓宽经费筹集渠道的同时,还需在节流上苦练内功,注重内部资源的有效使用。

    Therefore , under the new situation of market economy , universities not only expand channel of collecting funds but also pay great attention to using efficiency of the internal resources .

  29. 在公司清算中关键问题就是如何保护债权人利益,因为债权人利益保护将会直接涉及到整个社会市场经济的交易秩序与市场信用。

    The key problem in corporate liquidation is to protect the interests of creditors , which relates directly to the order of the whole social market economy and the society credit .

  30. 建构与社会主义和谐社会市场经济相适应的分配公正观,既要尊重市场经济的一般规律,又要坚持社会主义的基本制度和原则,并达到二者之间的有机结合。

    The construction of fair income distribution of socialism harmonious society must conform to the laws of market economics and the basic socialist principles to achieve organic combination of the two .