
  • 网络social survey
  1. 未成年人犯罪案件中的社会调查研究

    Study on the Social Survey System of Juvenile Delinquency

  2. 重视国际交流和社会调查研究,带有问题意识进入创作。

    Focus on international communication and social survey , as well as question-oriented art creation .

  3. 社会调查研究中的社会称许性偏见效应

    Q & A on Sex The social-desirability bias effect in society survey research

  4. 社会调查研究中问卷式调查质量控制的探讨

    Quality control of questionnaire surveys in Community Medicine

  5. 方法:对国内餐饮业进行社会调查研究。

    Methods : Doing research on domestic restaurants .

  6. 论《社会调查研究方法》课程在社会工作专业人才培养中的作用

    The Role of the Course of " Social Research Methods " in Training Social work Professionals

  7. 此次调查由北京大学社会调查研究中心与某商业婚恋网站联合开展,调查对象共计约8万人,覆盖全国34个地区。

    It was conducted by Peking University 's social survey studies center and a commercial dating website and polled about 80000 people in 34 locations across China .

  8. 博学多才、开阔视野、深入社会调查研究、强化超前意识进行超前思维、提高思维素质建立合理的思维能力结构是缩小编辑思维偏差的有效途径和方法。

    Widening learning and sight , conducting social surveys , strengthening foresight consciousness , improving thought quality and establishing proper thought structure are the effective ways to narrow the deviation in editing thought .

  9. 通过大量的文献查阅和社会调查研究,本文简要介绍国内外养羊业的发展趋势、发展现状和舍饲养羊的研究进展,指出规模化、标准化舍饲养羊是养羊业可持续发展的必由之路。

    Based on review and investigation , the development trend , development actuality and research development of sheep breeding in shed were introduced , it is pointed out that scaled and standardized sheep breeding in shed is the right way to carry through sustainable development of sheep breeding .

  10. 国内招聘网站智联招聘与北京大学社会调查研究中心共同发布的《2018中国最佳雇主百强评选报告》称,越来越多的95后开始进入职场,这代人的价值观更加多元化,且非常注重自我体验。

    Increasing numbers of those born after 1995 are starting to enter the workplace , a generation that has more diversified values and thinks highly of their personal experiences , according to the 2018 China 's Top 100 Employers report by Chinese job website Zhaopin.com and Institute of Social Science Survey of Peking University .

  11. 癌症患者疼痛状况与社会支持调查研究

    A study on the pain and social support status among cancer patients

  12. 俄罗斯的华人移民&社会问卷调查研究

    Chinese Migrants in Russia : A Study Based on the Questionnaire Survey

  13. 孤独症儿童父母的社会支持调查研究

    Investigation on social supports of parents of children with autism

  14. 该系统在太仓沿沪地区社会经济调查研究数据分析工作中也取得了较好的效果。

    The system has been also used successfully in the project of Taicang society and economy analysis .

  15. 安庆沿江湖区农户社会经济调查研究

    A Survey on the Social-economic Situation of Peasants in the Lake District along the Yangtze River in Anqing Region

  16. 广东省汕头市学习困难儿童生理、心理、社会状况调查研究

    Study of Effects in Physiological , Psychological and Social Factors on Children with Learning Disabilities ( LD ) in Shantou City Area

  17. 回族文化的地域差异与民族认同的错位&关于江苏连云港回族社会的调查研究

    On Regional Differences of Hui Ethnic Group Culture and Dislocation of Ethnic Identity & An Investigation into Hui People in Lianyungang , Jiangsu

  18. 这篇论文旨在通过社会调查来研究不同文化及性别对称赞这一言语行为的影响,主要围绕以下两个问题:(1)文化因素对称赞应答语的影响如何?

    This paper aims at investigating the influence of gender on compliment response exchanges mainly on the following questions : 1 . What are the influences of the culture on the compliment responses ?

  19. 通过社会调查及研究指出,当前浙江经济运行中突出的问题是产业结构不合理,经济增长方式落后。

    Based on the investigation and studies , the paper points out that the outstanding problems in the operation of Zhejiang 's economy are the irrational industrial structure and the backward mode of economic growth .

  20. 其成就主要在史学,可分为佛家哲学和佛教史、礼俗风俗史、唐宋史和民族社会历史调查研究四个方面。

    His achievements were mainly in historiography , and could be broken up into four aspects : Buddha philosophy and history of Buddhism , history of Chinese etiquette and custom , history of the Tang and Song Dynasties , and investigation and study of history of national society .

  21. 2000年,国家民委组织有关专家开展了人口较少民族经济和社会发展调查研究,并为此制定了专门的扶持发展计划。

    In the year of 2000 , The State Ethnic Affair Commission convened some experts to start a project called " An Research on the Economic and the Social Development of the Ethnic Groups with Less Population " , and a special supportive program is made for this research .

  22. 论文将北京牛街作为典型案例,从时间维度和空间维度进行研究,并运用社会学的调查研究方法,关注Jamaat的社会结构和城市空间结构两个方面。

    Using sociological investigation methods , concerns aspects of both social structure and urban spatial structure ;

  23. 在皖大学生经济社会化的调查研究

    Investigation and Study of College Students ' Economic Socialization in Anhui Province

  24. 全喉切除病人自我形象与社会支持的调查研究

    Body Image and Social Support of Patients experienced Total Laryngectomy

  25. 肺结核患者社会支持状况调查研究

    Investigation on social support situation of pulmonary tuberculosis patients

  26. 我们的目标是:成为国际一流的社会调查服务及研究机构。

    Our goal is : to become a world-class services and social survey research organizations .

  27. 同江市赫哲族加快全面建设小康社会步伐的调查研究

    Investigation on the Full Construction of Well-off Society of the Hezhen Nationality in TongJiang City

  28. 设立妇幼专科护理门诊社会需求的调查研究

    Investigation of the social needs on setting up outpatient nursing service for women and children

  29. 宁夏高校体育教育专业学生社会适应能力调查研究

    On Ningxia University Sports Education Specialize Student Society Adaptiveness Investigation and Study on University Sports Education Specialized Students in Ningxia

  30. 本文采用多角度调研方法,通过文献研究、问卷调查、个案访谈等方式对上海青年社会组织进行调查研究。

    Investigations and researches are carried out on the Shanghai youth social organizations through literature research , questionnaire survey and case interviews .