
tiān wén shù zì
  • astronomical figure;enormous figure
天文数字 [tiān wén shù zì]
  • [astronomical figure;enormous figure] 因为天文学上所用的数字都很大,所以常用天文数字来表示极大的数字,同时还有夸大、难以实现的含义在内

  1. 这些都是天文数字。

    The figures are astronomical .

  2. 费用将是一笔天文数字。

    The cost will be astronomical .

  3. 这个人口增长对环境的影响必然是天文数字。

    The environmental impact of this population increase is bound to be astronomic .

  4. 我们最终得到的Q是一个天文数字。

    Turns out , it is an astronomical number .

  5. Office软件的单独发行带来了48亿美金的利润,等同google的所有利润,在操作系统方面有着天文数字般的利润,达到32亿美金。

    The Office division alone had quarterly revenue of $ 4.8 billion equal to Google and an astronomical $ 3.2 billion in operating profits .

  6. 很少有人对比尔盖茨(BillGates)的财富吹毛求疵,尽管他们或许偶尔会想到,500亿美元的确是一个天文数字。

    Few people quibble about Bill Gates ' fortune , although they may occasionally think that $ 50bn is rather a lot .

  7. 当然,它们开起来可能让你有点hold不住的感觉,油耗也高得近乎荒唐,保险费用更是天文数字,价格就更不用说了。

    Sure , their ride may be rough , their fuel economy laughable , and their insurance bills astronomical & not to mention the premium price you paid for admission .

  8. 和许多摇滚歌星一样,鲍伊一直在酒店里长住:先是格莱美西公园酒店(GramercyParkHotel),后来是荷兰雪梨酒店(Sherry-Netherland),直到积累了天文数字的客服费用。

    Like a lot of rock stars , Mr. Bowie lived in hotels : first the Gramercy Park Hotel , then the Sherry-Netherland until the room-service bill became obscene .

  9. 在近几天举行的秘密谈判中,马克•扎克伯格和Instagram公司的首席执行官凯文•希斯特罗姆这两位公司创始人都对外抛出了各种天文数字,包括Facebook高达1040亿美元的潜在市值。

    During several days of secret negotiations between Mark Zuckerberg and instagram CEO Kevin systrom , both founders tossed around numbers , including a potential value of $ 104 billion for Facebook .

  10. 四年前,当巴塞罗那足球俱乐部(FCBarcelona)在签入内马尔(Neymar)的合同中加入一条2.22亿欧元的解约金条款时,俱乐部官员认为没有竞争对手能够出得起这样的天文数字费用。

    When FC Barcelona inserted a 222m buyout clause into the contract of new signing Neymar four years ago , club officials believed no rival could afford such an astronomical fee .

  11. 这段时期航空公到的损失已增加到天文数字。

    Astronomical losses were racked up by airlines during this period .

  12. 朋友们,这可是个天文数字。

    And that , my friends , is a lot of billions .

  13. 因为他的画现在卖到天文数字般的价格

    because his paintings sell for , like , a bajillion dollars ,

  14. 是什么背后的故事命名的一些“天文数字”?

    What was the story behind the naming of the number " googol "?

  15. 卫生部门的年度药费快达到天文数字。

    The annual drug bill of the health services is mounting to astronomical figures .

  16. 他的妻子被他花的天文数字的钱款惊呆了。

    His wife was astonished at the astronomical sum of money he had spent .

  17. 实时全息图像需要天文数字的比特量。

    Real-time holography requires astronomical amounts of bits .

  18. 当加内特以九位的天文数字与球队续约后,事情变得有趣了。

    But then Kevin signed an astronomical nine-digit extension , and things got funny .

  19. 这个天文数字让人很难不去联想到匮乏与混乱的恐怖局面。

    Numbers of this magnitude inevitably conjure up terrifying visions of shortage and chaos .

  20. 我们无法统计,我想,这一定是位天文数字。

    We were unable to statistics , I think this is a must astronomical .

  21. 对于处于重压之下且薄利的航空公司来讲,这无疑是个天文数字。

    For hard-pressed airlines running on razor-thin margins , that really would be astronomical .

  22. 天文数字图书馆实验研究

    Experiment and Research on Astronomical Digital Library

  23. 这个宝石的价格十分昂贵--简直是个天文数字。

    The price of this gem is expensive & as much so as astronomical figures .

  24. 那么这数字就变成天文数字了。

    then the figure becomes astronomical .

  25. 我们有8000亿美元,伯南克回答道,尽管这个天文数字也还是低估了实际所需的规模。

    We have $ 800bn , Bernanke replied , though even that astronomical number was an understatement .

  26. 不太可能,尽管债券价格很快将达到天文数字和理性的极限。

    Unlikely , even though the rise in bonds will soon hit the limits of both mathematics and logic .

  27. 这虽然没有达到2000年天文数字般的高水平,但以历史标准衡量,已经非常高了。

    It is not as astronomically high as in 2000 , but it is very high , by historical standards .

  28. 几乎所有的搜索引擎公司都在研究如何处理如天文数字般的海量信息。

    Almost all the search engine companies are studying how to deal with the mass of information like astronomical figures .

  29. 在大多数国家,这是法律要求将它的价格和它可以是天文数字。

    In most states , it is required by law to have it and the prices for it can be astronomical .

  30. 一方面,中国的贸易不平衡和累积盈余已是天文数字的巨大部分。

    On one hand , china 's trade imbalance and the surplus they have built up is enormous to some astronomical proportions .