
tiān rán píng zhàng
  • Natural barrier;natural cover for defense
天然屏障[tiān rán píng zhàng]
  1. 长江是东北方向的一道天然屏障。

    The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east .

  2. 燕山是北京的天然屏障。

    The Yanshan Hills provide a natural defence for Beijing .

  3. 健康的皮肤,粘膜和纤毛是许多病毒的天然屏障。

    Healthy , skin , mucous membranes , and cilia are natural barriers to many viruses .

  4. PA原是用作定量地展示处置场的工程与天然屏障性能的手段,其目的是最终证明处置系统的安全性。

    PA was initially adopted as a measure to quantitatively demonstrate the performance of both natural and engineered barriers of a repository , which eventually leads to building a safety case .

  5. 结论:CD表达与BTCC生物学特性密切相关;CD通过降解天然屏障在肿瘤浸润转移过程中起重要作用。

    Conclusions : It was suggested that over expression of CD closely correlated with grades and stages and it may played a important role on the process of invasiveness and metastasis of BTCC by lowering the function of natural defenses .

  6. 结论菌株KFS-9通过产生具有紫外吸收作用的代谢产物,形成一道天然屏障,提高其对紫外照射的抗性。

    Conclusion Strain KFS-9 produced metabolites that were able to absorb UV to build a natural barrier and so improved the tolerance to UV radiation .

  7. 我们遇到的第一处天然屏障是强大的横贯南极山脉。

    The first great hurdle is the formidable trans-antarctica mountain range .

  8. 这些天然屏障守护着隔绝在云南

    These natural barriers serve to isolate Yunnan 's plants and animals

  9. 山地构成抵御侵略者的天然屏障。

    Mountains form a natural barrier that keeps invaders out .

  10. 撒哈拉沙漠是北非与中非之间的天然屏障。

    The Sahara Desert is a natural barrier between North and Central Africa .

  11. 活动性差的硅铝质砂板岩形成岩体的天然屏障;

    The inactive sialic sand-slate is a natural barrier .

  12. 那条河成了阻止森林大火蔓延的天然屏障。

    The river formed a natural blockade to the spread of the forest fire .

  13. 撒哈拉沙漠是分隔北非和中非的天然屏障。

    The Sahara desert is a natural barrier that separates Northern and Central Africa .

  14. 这座城市有优越的天然屏障。

    The city has superb natural defences .

  15. 我们也不再能依靠天然屏障的历史王牌。

    Nor can we any longer fall back on our historical trump card of geographic isolation .

  16. 植物的刺和高度会成为你菜园的天然屏障。

    The thorns and height associated with these species will create natural protection from invading species .

  17. 额济纳胡杨林是我国第二大胡杨林,是维系额济纳绿洲存在的重要天然屏障。

    It plays an important role in function and evolution of Populus euphratica forest ecological system .

  18. 树林,灌木和较小的作物可以作为小溪和河流旁边的天然屏障。

    Trees , bushes and smaller plants can act as natural barriers along streams and rivers .

  19. 加尔维斯顿市位于海岸线外的天然屏障岛屿上,该市绝大多数居民在飓风到来之前听从了撤离该岛的命令。

    Most of the residents of the barrier island town heeded calls to evacuate before the storm .

  20. 内皮细胞除了具有天然屏障作用外,还具有十分活跃的代谢与内分泌功能。

    In addition to its barrier function , endothelial cell importantly contribute to the metabolism and endocrine .

  21. 然而,农民素质的低下已成为制约新农村建设的天然屏障。

    However , the farmer quality is low has become restricts the new rural reconstruction the natural blockade .

  22. 平溪区的地形提供天然屏障,四面环山导致天灯不太可能飞越,而是落在平溪范围内。

    A2 : Given that Pingsi is surrounded by mountains , lanterns are unlikely to drift outside Pingsi .

  23. 普遍采用的方法是地质处置,即保寻安全封闭的天然屏障。

    The most liable method now is the geological disposal , that is , to explore a closed and security natural burrier .

  24. 马铃薯甲虫现有分布范围受海拔等地形因素影响,天山的阻隔作用也是其进一步向东扩散的天然屏障。

    Distribution by altitude and terrain factors , at the same time . Tianshan barrier effect was further eastward spread of natural barriers .

  25. 在由海洋、山脉和其他天然屏障阻隔的许多地方,流感为什么突然到处爆发,这是一个谜。

    One mystery is how it erupted suddenly , all over , in places separated by oceans , mountain ranges , and other earthly impediments .

  26. 朝鲜半岛一直是中国东北地区的天然屏障,同时也是东北亚地区的核心,战略地位十分重要。

    On the Korean Peninsula is a natural barrier of Northeast China , also the core of Northeast Asia , the strategic position is vital important .

  27. 工程屏障与天然屏障的结合是防止填埋场渗滤液影响环境的重要手段。

    The combination of engineering barrier and natural barrier is the important means to prevent the impact to environment of leachate from urban waste landfill sites .

  28. 它起点低、起步晚,封闭的地理条件和不便的交通环境又成为阻碍报业发展的天然屏障。

    It comes up in a very low level and very late , what is worse , the close location and inconvenient traffic makes the development more difficult .

  29. 而对俄罗斯来说,外高加索地区是其传统的势力范围和战略利益攸关地区,是其维护自身安全与稳定的天然屏障。

    While for Russia , Transcaucasia is the traditional sphere of influence and strategic interests at stake region , which is the natural barrier to keep security and stability .

  30. 低渗透介质是阻碍有害物质在地下迁移良好的天然屏障,因此成为高放废物处置库围岩类型的首选。

    Low permeable media are the ideal natural barrier resisting the underground migration of harmful materials . So it becomes the first selected host rock for high-level radioactive waste disposal repository .