
sōng jī
  • grouse;capercaillie;hazel grouse
松鸡 [sōng jī]
  • [hazel grouse;capercillie] 松鸡科(Tetraonidae)的鸟,比斑鸠略大,嘴像鸡,黑色有白、黄等杂色斑纹,生活在寒冷地带的松林中

松鸡[sōng jī]
  1. 松鸡狩猎开始于8月。

    Grouse shooting begins in August .

  2. 他们在荒野射猎松鸡

    They 're shooting grouse up on the moors .

  3. ATTICUSFINCH:“我记得我父亲第一次给我那把枪的时候,他告诉我,我永远不能射击房子里的任何东西,如果我愿意的话,我可以击毙所有蓝色的松鸡。但是一定要记住,杀死知更鸟是罪过。”

    ATTICUS FINCH : " I remember when my daddy first gave me that gun , he told me that I should never point at anything in the house , and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted , if I could hit them . But remember , it was a to kill a mockingbird . "

  4. 有一次,他爬到了一定是睡着了的一只松鸡旁边。

    Once he crawled upon one that must have been asleep .

  5. 东半球大型黑色松鸡。国际型基金/全球基金

    Large black Old World grouse . International Funds / Global Funds

  6. 没有集体,我们松鸡是过不了冬的。

    Without the collective , our grouse was the winter .

  7. 北欧大型黑松鸡,尾巴呈里拉琴状。

    Large north European black grouse with a lyre-shaped tail .

  8. 有一次,他给绊了一跤,正好摔到一个松鸡窝里。

    And stumbling once , he fell squarely into a ptarmigan nest .

  9. 几乎是同时,有三只贪吃的松鸡,连虫带钩地把食饵吞了下去。

    Three voracious grouse swallowed at the same moment bait and hook .

  10. 北美西部大草原和开阔森林的大型松鸡。

    Large grouse of prairies and open forests of western North America .

  11. 例如:后者使他们的时间仪式化,有射猎松鸡的季节、有镇上度日的季节等。

    The latter , for example , ritualized their time ;

  12. 英国丘陵荒野的红褐色松鸡。

    Reddish-brown grouse of upland moors of Great Britain .

  13. 黑龙江省是我国松鸡科鸟类的分布中心。

    Heilongjiang is the distribution centre of Chinese grouse .

  14. 北美洲生有蒿属植物地区的大型松鸡。

    Large grouse of sagebrush regions of North America .

  15. 北美西部大草原斑驳的褐色松鸡。

    Brown mottled North American grouse of western prairies .

  16. 他们周末去打松鸡。

    They went grouse shooting at the weekend .

  17. 因这植物是松鸡的食物。

    For Heather is the food of grouse .

  18. 一只黑狐狸朝他走了过来,嘴里叼着一只松鸡。

    A black fox came toward him , carrying a ptarmigan in his mouth .

  19. 允许捕猎松鸡的时期又快到了。

    Grouse will soon is in season again .

  20. 产于得克萨斯洲西部的较小的北美草原松鸡。

    A smaller prairie chicken of Western Texas .

  21. 不过他不能停下,因为母松鸡正在向前跑。

    But he could not stop , for the mother ptarmigan was running on .

  22. “好啦,”我说,“你的松鸡呢,凯蒂小姐?

    Well , 'said I , 'where are your moor game , Miss Cathy ?

  23. 有几只松鸡脖子上有两片象翅膀似的肉瓣,赫怕特认得这是公的。

    Herbert recognized the males by the two wing-like appendages raised on the neck .

  24. 雄性是蓝黑色的松鸡。

    Grouse of which the male is bluish-black .

  25. 我国鸟类新纪录&松鸡

    New record of Chinese bird from Xinjiang

  26. 上星期天他猎到了三只松鸡。

    He hunt three grouses last Sunday .

  27. 东半球大型黑色松鸡。

    Large black Old World grouse .

  28. 勇士捡起鹰蛋,把它放在了一个松鸡的窝里。

    The Indian took the egg and put it in the nest of a prairie chicken .

  29. 他把母松鸡追得筋疲力尽;

    He exhausted the mother ptarmigan ;

  30. 这时候,松鸡在钩子附近走来走去,丝毫没有注意地上的钓饵。

    Meanwhile , the birds walked about the hooks , without taking any notice of them .