
sōng zhuāng mì dù
  • apparent density
松装密度[sōng zhuāng mì dù]
  1. 结果表明,聚乙二醇加入0.1%时可以较大提高铁粉的流动性和松装密度;

    The results show that , with the addition of 0.1 % polyethyleneglycol , the flow time becomes shorter and the apparent density increases .

  2. 通过FTIR、TG、DTA和松装密度实验对泡沫悬浮法的防团聚机理进行了研究,提出了纳米TiO2防团聚模型。

    The anti-agglomeration mechanism was studied by means of FTIR , TG , DTA and apparent density experiment . The anti-agglomeration model of foam flotation method is proposed .

  3. 就体积比容量而言,CoO作添加剂的负极最高,而乙炔黑作添加剂的最低。造成上述结果的原因在于它们的导电性、电催化特性以及松装密度的差异。

    The electrode added with acetylene black shows the highest specific capacity and the lowest capacity density .

  4. 获得了银白色的银包铝粉,其松装密度为0.56g/mL,平均电阻值为10mΩ。

    Silvery white appearance of silver coated aluminum is gained . The apparent density is 0.56 g / mL and average electric resistance value is 10 m Ω .

  5. 实验研究了不同粒径的UHMWPE粉末的松装密度,通过冷压成型实验明确了成型压力与压坯密度、孔隙率和压缩比的关系,并获得了UHMWPE粉末的压缩应力应变曲线。

    The effect of forming pressure on green density , porosity and compression ratio was investigated through powder cold forming , and the UHMWPE compression strain-stress curves varied with different particle sizes were obtained .

  6. 利用喷雾干燥技术对TiB2/Al2O3复合粉体进行造粒,研究了浆料固相含量及粘结剂含量对喷雾干燥粉体颗粒形貌、结构、松装密度、流动性等的影响。

    TiB_2 / Al_2O_3 composite powders were prepared by spray drying . The effects of solid loading and binder content on the morphology , microstructure , loose packed density and flow rate of the spray dried granules were studied .

  7. 通过合理控制松装密度、添加适量稀土元素以及优化工艺参数,在特定的应用需求下,低成本HDH钛合金粉末能够代替昂贵的球形粉末在激光快速成形技术中使用。

    By controlling the processing parameters , loose density of the powders and adding element Nd in proper quantities , low cost HDH titanium alloy powders can be used instead of expensive sphere powders in some conditions .

  8. 钼粉粒度和松装密度对钼条加工性能的影响

    The effect of particle size and bulk density on molybdenum powder

  9. 低松装密度水雾化铜粉工艺的研究

    Study on production process of copper powders with low apparent density

  10. 钢领用金属粉末松装密度测量仪

    Design of measuring device for measuring bulk density of metal powder

  11. GB/T3171.2-1982铝粉松装密度的测定容量计法

    Determination of apparent density of aluminium powder & Volumeter method

  12. GB/T5060-1985金属粉末松装密度的测定第二部分:斯柯特容量计法

    Metallic powders Determination of apparent density Part 2 : Scott volumeter method

  13. 棒磨工艺对水雾化铁粉松装密度的影响

    Effect of rod milling technique on apparent density of atomized iron powder

  14. GB/T3171.1-1982铝粉松装密度的测定漏斗法

    Determination of apparent density of aluminium powder & Funnel method

  15. GB/T4107-1983镁粉松装密度的测定斯科特容量法

    Magnesium powders Determination of apparent density Scott volumetric method

  16. 一种提高金属粉末松装密度检测精度的方法

    Method of accuracy for metal powder apparent density measurement

  17. 石髓的光学性质分析用流动仪测定球化后粉体的松装密度。

    Properties of the powders were characterized by optical microscope photograph and apparent density .

  18. 粘结剂和润滑剂对铁粉流动性和松装密度的影响

    Effect of binder and lubricant on flow time and apparent density of iron powder

  19. GB/T6522-1986氧化铝粉末松装密度的测定

    Aluminium oxide powders & Determination of apparent density

  20. 温压用铁粉松装密度的优化粒级匹配试验研究

    Optimization of particle size distribution for improving apparent density of iron powders used for warm compaction

  21. 实验效果通过松装密度、过滤筛、水盖面积等测试来初步确定一些助剂的作用效果;

    Experiment result through being loose to load density with , filter , sift , water cover area , etc.

  22. 随着复合合金松装密度的增加,试样的磨损量减少,耐磨性增强。

    When apparent density of the composite alloys increases , wear weightlessness of the samples reduces , wear resistance of those buildups .

  23. 结合密度和磁性测定,发现造粒过程中随着粘合剂含量的增加,松装密度降低且粒度分布变大;

    The mensuration of density and magnetism indicated : apparent density reduced and size distribution became wider with increase of bonder content ;

  24. 所制备的喷涂喂料性能优良,具有较高松装密度,较好流动性,较窄粒度分布。

    Prepared by spray feed excellent performance with high bulk density , good mobility , the smaller particle size distribution . 2 .

  25. 提供低松装密度高强度雾化铜粉,高品质铜锡10粉及雾化制粉工业化生产技术。异烟肼高频振动加压雾化治疗支气管内膜结核疗效观察

    Whole set of industrialization technology of producing metal powder by atomization . Effects of isoniazid in high frequecy oscillatory compression aerosol inhalation on endobronchial tuberculosis

  26. 结果表明:提高钼粉的松装密度和流动性可以提高喷涂效率,从而提高喷涂粉的利用率和劳动生产率;

    The result declared that improving bulk density and fluidity of molybdenum powder can enhance spray efficiency , thereby enhance molybdenum powder utilization ratio and productivity .

  27. 钼粉平均粒度、含氧量、松装密度与各工艺参数的回归方程经统计检验是高度显著的;

    Statistic test shows the regression equations of average gain size , free holding density and oxygen content of molybdenum to each process parameter are significant .

  28. 钼粉的松装密度大和流动性好可改善涂层的相分布均匀性,实现稳定生产,提高产品质量和成品率。

    Using high bulk density and good fluidity of molybdenum powder can obtain well-distributed phase of coating and produce steadily , thereby improve product quality and finished-product rate .

  29. 结果表明:通过控制工艺参数可以获得镀覆质量好,且具有很好导电性和低松装密度的片状锡包铜粉产品。

    The results indicate that good coating quality tin coated flake Cu powder with well electric conductivity and loose specific gravity can be obtained by controlling technological parameters .

  30. 提高浆料的固含量有利于提高粉体的松装密度,但不宜过高,一般在60~65%(质量比);

    Apparent density increased with increase of solid content in slurry but high solid content would be a disadvantage , general in 60 ~ 65 % ( mass ratio );