
  • 网络Loose sediment;soft sediments
  1. 上述结果表明,微观分析是探讨松散沉积物中形迹不明断层和古地震事件的有效手段。

    All the results show that microscopic analysis is an effective method for identifying obscured fault and paleo-seismic event in soft sediments .

  2. 松散沉积物中的断层常常未留下明显的宏观形迹,单靠肉眼观测往往难以确定断层是否存在,即使判断出有断层亦常难以确定其活动性质和活动方式。

    The faults developed in unconsolidated soft sediments are often macroscopically obscured , so that their occurrence and mode of motion are difficult to be identified only by macroscopic observation .

  3. 松散沉积物的有效密度及其声压反射损失

    Effective density in loose sandy sediment and the bottom reflection loss

  4. 第四纪松散沉积物中隐性活断层的显微构造特征

    Characteristics of microstructures of the invisible faults in Quaternary unconsolidated sediments

  5. 研究松散沉积物粒度分布的一种新手段

    A new method of grain size analysis of loose sediments

  6. 活动断裂带内第四纪松散沉积物的变形类型

    Deformation styles of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments on active faults

  7. 沿线地质条件复杂,地表广泛分布着各种成因的第四纪松散沉积物,特别是沿线550km的路段下分布着多年冻土。

    In addition , there are very complex geology conditions , especially permafrost along line .

  8. 昆仑山垭口盆地松散沉积物粒度特征及其构造和环境意义

    Tectonic and environmental significance deduced from grain size characteristics of incompact sediment in Kunlun Pass Basin

  9. 北海市区广泛分布较厚的第四纪松散沉积物,地貌上为似扇形准平原。

    Quaternary loose and thicker deposits are widespread in Beihaitown , forming a fan-shaped peneplain in geomorphology .

  10. 多种地质作用可造成年青的松散沉积物发生变形。

    The late-formed loose deposits are liable to be distorted by the several kinds of geological processes .

  11. 使用该装置在固结人工岩心以及松散沉积物中进行了共计58个轮次的天然气水合物生成和分解实验,得到了可靠的实验结果。

    Gas hydrate was formed and dissociated in artificial core and unconsolidated sediments for 58 experimental runs .

  12. 而混合水与岩溶空间内的松散沉积物间的各种离子交换作用主要是阳离子交换吸附。

    The ion exchange between mixed water and unconsolidated deposits inside caves is characteristic of cation exchange adsorption .

  13. 贵州主要城市地表松散沉积物中微量元素与土壤环境

    Trace Elements and Their Environmental Problems within the Surface Loose Sediments in the Major Cities of Guizhou Province

  14. 淮北新矿区新生界底部松散沉积物沉积特征及水理性质

    Sedimentary features and hydrological properties of loose sediments at the Cenozoic bottom in the Huaibei new mining area

  15. 第四纪松散沉积物中的活断层滑动面是重要的古地震遗迹,也是鉴定古地震事件和确定古地震时代的重要标志。

    Active faults in Quaternary unconsolidated sediments are important indicators to determine paleoearthquake events . It is comprised mainly of loose sediments .

  16. 第四纪松散沉积物中普遍存在断层的隐性现象,包括断层的隐形和尖灭,给古地震研究带来了复杂性和多解性。

    Invisible faults often developed in Quaternary unconsolidated sediments including concealed faults and die out faults , which lead to complexity and multi solution for paleoearthquake research .

  17. 大量资料表明,微观分析是探讨松散沉积物中断层和古地震事件的行之有效的方法。

    Recently , a lot of data have shown that microscopic analysis is an effective approach to the identification of obscured faults and paleo-earthquake event in soft sediments .

  18. 土壤是在漫长地质年代里,在物理、化学和生物作用下由基岩风化产物、各种松散沉积物发育形成的近地表自然介质。

    Soil , near-surface natural medium , developed from weathering products of bedrocks and loose sediments ( soil parent material ) by physical chemistry and biological function in long geological epoch .

  19. 莱州湾东岸的海底地下水主要分布在浅海区的第四纪松散沉积物中,明显有别于海水,目前已被大量开采利用。

    The seabottom groundwater along the east coast of Laizhou Bay is distributed in the neritic Quaternary loose sediments , and its properties are significantly different from those of modern seawater .

  20. 故松散沉积物体系的特性及从含水层中抽汲水量的时空关系,决定着地面沉降的发生和发展。

    Excessive extracting water from this aquifer has made a greet drop in water level , resulting in compaction of sandy aquifer and consolidation of clayey aquitard , which in turn lead to land subsidence .

  21. 在纯水松散沉积物甲烷体系中,声波速度和系统主频的变化灵敏地反映出体系内水合物的生成和分解;

    In the long time experiment in the pure water , unsolidified sediments , and methane system , the change of P-wave velocity and characteristic frequency sensitively indicated the formation and dissociation of gas hydrate in the experimental system .

  22. 为了解不同介质中天然气水合物的声学特性,在特制的高压反应釜中分别进行了纯水、松散沉积物和岩心中甲烷水合物的生成和分解的模拟实验,同时应用超声技术进行了探测。

    To understand the acoustic characteristics of gas hydrates in different media , the ultrasonic detecting technology is applied to the experimental study of gas hydrates in the pure water , the unsolidified sediment , and the core sample , respectively .

  23. 热储层主要有寒武-奥陶系岩溶裂隙热储、新生界孔隙-裂隙热储以及花岗岩-变质岩裂隙热储,盖层主要有第四系松散沉积物和古生代以后沉积的地层。

    The main geothermal reservoirs are reservoir of karst fissure of Cambrian-Ordovician , reservoir of pore and fracture of Cenozoic , and fracture reservoir of granite and metamorphic . The cap rocks are quaternary loose soil and deposition after Paleozoic Era .

  24. 松散的沉积物可以变成坚硬的沉积岩。

    Loose sediments may be changed into solid sedimentary rocks .

  25. 松散海相沉积物中微体化石石化程度的初步探讨

    Study on petrifaction of microfossils in loose deposits

  26. 影响松散高孔隙率沉积物中声速的一些因素

    Influence factors on acoustic velocity in loose and high porosity sediments

  27. 松散高孔隙率沉积物中的声速正比于填充海水中的声速;

    The acoustic velocity of the sediments is directly proportional to the acoustic velocity of the filling sea water ;