
  • 网络deciduous plant
  1. 新乡市绿化落叶植物叶片中氯、硫、氟元素背景值初步研究

    Preliminary study on the background value of chlorine , sulphur and fluorine in the leaves of deciduous plants from the xinxiang 's City

  2. 广州市主城区常绿植物和落叶植物配置比例适合。

    Evergreen and deciduous plant allocation ratio is suitable .

  3. 蓝莓是落叶植物,这意味着在冬季要落叶。

    Blueberries are deciduous , which means they 'll lose their leaves in winter .

  4. 结果表明:元江干热河谷植被以落叶植物占优势。

    The results are as follows : Phenological observations showed that deciduous species dominated the Yuanjiang dry-hot valley .

  5. 以落叶植物为优势种的群落在生长期对噪声的衰减值比落叶期高4~5dB。

    The value of noise attenuation of plant community was 4-5 dB bigger in growing period than in defoliating period .

  6. 北美洲群居蛾子的幼虫,吐丝建毯子而不是帐篷;落叶植物的严重食叶昆虫。

    Larvae of a gregarious North American moth that spins a carpet rather than a tent ; serious defoliator of deciduous trees .

  7. 东南石栎等常绿树种日均净光合速率比大血藤等层间植物和七子花等落叶植物高。

    Average daily Pn of the three evergreen broad-leaved species were higher than layer species such as Sargentodoxa cuneata and deciduous species such as Heptacodium miconioides .

  8. 每年落叶的植物允许冬季阳光的射入阻挡夏季的阳光。

    Deciduous plants allow winter sun through and exclude summer sun .

  9. 枯枝落叶影响植物生长和群落结构,进而影响食草动物。

    Litter affects plant growth and community structure .

  10. 美国东部的浓密的每年落叶的植物,有长着粉花的总状花序。

    Bushy deciduous shrub of the eastern United States with long racemes of pinkish flowers .

  11. 耐寒的落叶藤蔓植物,有大叶子,有弯曲的萼筒。

    Hardy deciduous vine having large leaves and flowers with the calyx tube curved like the bowl of a pipe .

  12. 欧洲至阿富汗黎巴嫩旺盛的落叶攀援植物,有芳香的白绿色花组成的圆锥花序,夏季和秋季常见。

    Dusty jade green vigorous deciduous climber of Europe to Afghanistan and Lebanon having panicles of fragrant green-white flowers in summer and autumn .

  13. 落叶攀缘植物,用于拱门和篱笆,花有异味,果实黄色有毒;因其叶黑色且有光泽而种植;遍及东南欧及小亚细亚。

    Deciduous climber for arches and fences having ill-scented but interesting flowers and poisonous yellow fruits ; cultivated for its dark shining foliage ; southeastern Europe to Asia minor .

  14. 有些家庭用常青树(冬天不落叶的植物)装饰房子,前们挂上冬青树花环,室内摆上冬青树、常春藤、和枞树花环。

    Some houses are decorated with evergreens ( plants which do not lose their leaves in winter ); a wreath of holly on the front door and garlands of holly , ivy and fir indoors .

  15. 五味子是木兰科植物,多年生落叶木质藤本植物,为黑龙江省珍贵的地道药材。

    Schisandra chinensis ( Magnoliaceae ) is a perennial deciduous woody liana with valuable medicinal materials in Heilongjiang Province .

  16. 每年落叶针叶属植物。电扇的叶片上全是灰尘。

    Any of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves . The blades of the electric fan are covered with dust .

  17. 不同攀援角度裂叶牵牛叶片金属元素含量变化及其相关性分析每年落叶针叶属植物。

    Effects of different climbing angles on metallic element contents and their correlations in leaves of Pharbitis nil any of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves .

  18. 30种植物从雨季末期开始落叶,常绿植物也脱落近1/3–1/2的当年生叶片。

    In the late rainy season , 30 out of 32 species began to shed their leaves , and the evergreen species fell 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 current-year leaves .

  19. 落叶树种在华北地区的种植比例很高,因此,落叶乔灌木植物的冬态造景尤为重要。

    The high proportion of deciduous tree and shrub in North China makes it important to make scene of deciduous tree and shrub form in winter .

  20. 其中常绿乔木2种,落叶乔木2种,灌木12种,木质藤本1种,草本花卉6种,草坪及地被植物4种,且多数为落叶植物。

    Kinds of evergreen trees , 2 defoliate trees , 12 shrubs , a woody vine , 6 herbage flowers as well as 4 lawn and ground cover plants are included and most of them are defoliated .