
sōng huā jiāng
  • the Songhua River;the Songari River;Song huajiang
松花江 [sōng huā jiāng]
  • [the Songari River;Song huajiang] 黑龙江在中国境内的最大支流,全长1927公里

松花江[sōng huā jiāng]
  1. 井点降水工艺在松花江公路大桥施工中的应用

    Application of well point precipitated water among construction of the Songhua River Bridge

  2. 吉林松花江大桥桩基础工艺的研究及应用

    Research and application of a basic technology of the Songhua River bridge in Jilin

  3. 基于GIS的松花江干流暴雨洪涝灾害风险评估

    GIS-based Risk Assessment on Rain and Flood Disasters of Songhua River

  4. 基于GIS的松花江流域土地利用变化的研究

    Study on the Land Use Change of Songhuajiang River Watershed Based on GIS

  5. 利用结构分析程序ANSYS对吉林兰旗松花江大桥的自振特性进行了分析研究,得出了前15阶频率和相应振型。

    The advanced analysis program ANSYS is used to get the 15 frequencies and corresponding vibration modes .

  6. 基于DEM的松花江流域降水量插值研究

    Application of Spatial Interpolation to the Precipitaion Distribution in the Songhua River Basin

  7. 基于RS和GIS的松花江流域(吉林省段)水资源网络化管理技术研究

    Technological research on networking manage of water resources of Songhua River area ( Jilin Province part ) based on RS and GIS

  8. ENSO事件对松花江流域夏季降水的影响

    Effect of ENSO Event on the Summer Precipitation in Songhua River Basin

  9. 利用松花江河谷的承压水井抽水试验资料和洮儿河扇形地27个潜水抽水井及其观测孔的抽水试验资料,应用直线图解法分析计算,得到唯一的含水层参数T、K和R。

    The pumping test data from the confined wells in the Songhua River valley plain and 27 unconfined wells and observation wells in the Tao'er River fan are analyzed .

  10. 第二松花江桥跨度30m简支T梁横向加固试验研究

    Study on Experiment for Reinforcement of 30 m-span Simple-support T-sectional Girder in the 2nd Songhuajiang Bridge

  11. 松花江漫滩地区静压PHC管桩沉桩阻力理论估算与数值分析

    Theoretical Estimation and Numerical Analysis on the Penetrating Resistance of Jacked-in PHC Pipe Pile in the Songhua River Floodplain Areas

  12. 初始微生物来自松花江底泥,接种量为60mL。

    Sediments of Songhua River is used as initial microorganism and inoculating quality is 60mL .

  13. 结果表明,松花江流域植被覆盖存在着显著的空间差异,山区NDVI值明显高于中部平原区。

    The results showed that there were significant spatial differences of Songhua river basin vegetation ; NDVI of mountain was significantly higher than that of the central plain .

  14. 野生大豆(GlyCineSoja)HSP的研究&Ⅰ.黄河下游和松花江下游地区野生大豆HSP诱导合成的比较研究

    THE STUDY ON HSP OF WILD SOYBEAN ( Glycine soja )── 1 . Comparative Study on Induced Synthesis HSP of wild Soybean ( G.soja ) from the Lower Reaches of Yellow River and Songhua River

  15. 采用标准测试方法测定了20种化合物在自然江水(松花江)中的生化需氧量(BOD)随时间的变化,得到了生物降解半衰期。

    The halflife periods of biodegradation of 20 organic pollutants in the Songhuajiang River were obtained through determination of the variation of the biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD ) with time with the standard test method .

  16. 当时,中国国有企业&中石油(PetroChina)在吉林省的一个工厂发生爆炸,导致数吨苯类污染物泄入松花江,流向下游的哈尔滨市(人口400万)和俄罗斯。

    An explosion at a plant operated by state-owned PetroChina in Jilin province led to several tonnes of benzene spilling into the Songhua river and floating towards the city of Harbin ( population 4m ) and then to Russia .

  17. 本文主要介绍哈尔滨绕城公路西段松花江特大桥主桥主塔桩径20m、桩长70m的钻孔桩施工技术。

    The paper introduces the boring construction technology for main pier pile with 2 metre diameter and 70 metre length , in extra long-span bridge of Songhuajiang River Bridge in west section of highway around Harbin City .

  18. 预测结果表明,在排水口下游5~10km范围内,黑龙江和松花江混合区域水质基本与本底接近,受纳水体对灌区排水有较大的稀释能力。

    It shows that the water quality of the mixing area , 5-10km downstream of the effluent , is close to the background water quality , indicating that the receiving water bodies have strong capacities to dilute the pollutants from drainage .

  19. 吉林兰旗松花江大桥是单索面双塔半漂浮体系斜拉桥,主跨240m,其体系独特,桥位处于地震烈度7度区,因此,分析其地震响应是非常重要和有意义的。

    Lanqi Songhua River Bridge in Jilin City is a concrete cable-stayed bridge with double towers and single cable plane , which is 240 meter . The earthquake intensity of the situation of this bridge is VII and the system of this bridge is peculiar .

  20. 松花江沿岸居民慢性甲基汞中毒流行病学研究

    Epidemiological Study on Chronic Mercury Poisoning iu Residents along Songhua River

  21. 松花江哈尔滨段水环境容量研究

    Study of Water Environmental Capacity of Songhua River along Harbin City

  22. 松花江区水资源质量评价综述

    Review on the evaluation of water resources quality in Songhuajiang basin

  23. 吉林城得名于吉林江,即今松花江。

    Jilin city was named after Jilin River-namely Songhua River today .

  24. 萘在松花江沉积物上的吸附解吸行为

    Adsorption and desorption of naphthalene on the sediment of Songhua River

  25. 松花江是东北人民的母亲河。

    Songhua River is the mother river of the northeast people .

  26. 九站松花江特大桥静载试验

    Dead Load Test of the Songhuajiang Super Bridge in Jiu Zhan

  27. 松花江斜拉桥主塔混凝土施工

    Concrete Construction Of Main Tower Of Songhuajiang Cable - Stayed Bridge

  28. 松花江立交桥头路基下沉原因的分析及防治办法

    The Cause and Control Measures of Roadbed Subsidence for Cross Bridgehead

  29. 1957年黑龙江及松花江区域性冰坝凌汛初步分析

    Ice Jam Flood in Heilongjiang and the Songhua River in 1957

  30. 松花江几种鱼体中汞含量水平的分析

    Analysis of Mercury contents in some fishes from the Songhua River