
  • 网络convergent adaptation;Convergent adaption;adaptive convergence;convergence adaptedness
  1. 植物对荒漠生境的趋同适应

    Convergent adaptation of desert plants to their arid habitats

  2. 结果表明:半红树植物不只有或少许具有真红树植物独特的结构。没有趋同适应。

    All these have shown that the semi-mangrove has no or a little peculiar structure of the true-mangrove , and there is no convergent adaptation .

  3. 从2007年1月1日开始,中国所有的上市公司开始采用新会计准则,这标志着中国企业的会计准则与国际准则基本趋同,也是会计适应我国市场经济发展需要的必然结果。

    Since January 1,2007 , All the Chinese listed companies have adopted the new accounting standards . It is a symbol of convergence of Chinese enterprise accounting standards with the international standards . It is also recognized as the inevitable result of the development of market economy in China .