
  • 网络Trend Indicator
  1. 试论生活质量评估的客观指标、主观指标及主客观指标辐合趋势它主要是被用于与之有关的次级趋势指标,或者被用于进行机械交易。

    Subjective and Objective lndex for Evaluating Life Quality and Their Unifying Tendency ; It is used in connection with the Minor Trend Indicator , or the Trend used with the Mechanical Method .

  2. 测定服用利胆冲剂前后四项胆汁成石趋势指标:LI,UCB%,BSI和Z值。

    Four index of lithogenic tendency of bile : LI , UCB % , BSI and Value Z were determined before and after treatment .

  3. 自1999年启动欧元以来,欧洲央行一直非常看重货币供应指标,将其作为长期通胀趋势指标。这沿袭了德国央行(Bundesbank)的传统。

    Since the launch of the euro in 1999 , the ECB has attached much weight to money - supply indicators as indicators of longer-term inflation trends , a tradition it inherited from Germany 's Bundesbank .

  4. 统计分布中集中趋势指标间的关系

    The Relationship Among Concentrated Tendency Indexes in the Statistical Distribution

  5. 截至周二,标普500指数需要上涨56.5%,才能回到200日移动平均线之上。200日均线是一个长期趋势指标,其每一天的点位都反映了前200天的平均价格水平。

    As of Tuesday , it needed to gain 56.5 per cent just to return to its 200-day moving average , a measure of the long-term trend , which for each day takes the average of the 200 previous days ' prices .

  6. 通过可靠性分析、数据分布检验、集中趋势指标选定等,选择10月中旬的样本数据作为标准研究对象,根据公式,计算得到上述6种植物的标准叶形特征参数。

    Through reliability analysis , data distribution test , and other selected indicators of central tendency , we choose the sample data in mid-October as the standard study . According to the formula , we calculated the 6 species of leaf characteristics of the standard parameters .

  7. 死因分类依据国际疾病分类标准(ICD一9)进行编码及统计,主要分析及评价总死亡率、死因别死亡率、死因顺位及其变化趋势等指标。

    The causes of death were classified and coded according to International Classification Diseases ( ICD-9 ) .

  8. 前列腺特异抗原(PSA)是前列腺和前列腺癌细胞产生的蛋白质,是用来追踪治疗效果和预测前列腺癌发展趋势的指标。

    PSA is a protein produced by prostate and prostate cancer cells , and is used to track the effectiveness of treatment and the possible progression of prostate cancer .

  9. 布氏田鼠种群趋势预报指标的研究

    Study on Tendency Prediction of Population Fluctuation of Brandt 's Voles

  10. 基于显著性检验的地震趋势判定指标研究

    Analysis on criterion for estimating seismicity tendency based on the hypothesis test of significance

  11. 但是美国军方说,这些数字还没有成为新趋势的指标。

    But , the U.S. military says it does not yet indicate a new trend .

  12. 趋势跟踪指标和振荡指标学习使用指标就像是学习外语。

    Trend-Following Indicators and Oscillators Learning to use indicators is like learning a foreign language .

  13. 就像所有的趋势跟踪指标,在市场波动的时候,它们表现最好,在振荡时期,它们就变成了锯齿状。

    Like all trend-following indicators , they work best when markets are moving but lead to whipsaws during choppy periods .

  14. 本文利用计量模型对反映中国零售业市场发展趋势的指标进行趋势分析,得到正大集团应该进入中国零售市场的结论。

    We will utilize mathematics model to forecast the trend of the development of china retail market and draw a conclusion that Charoen Pokphand Group should step into china retail market .

  15. 在现代的日常生活消费行为与活动中,健康保健生活趋势的指标已经成为人们最为关心和重视的课题。

    Nowadays , in the consumer behavior in daily life and activities , " health care " indicators of trends in life has become the most interest and concerns for the people .

  16. 维生素C下降达10%,胡萝卜素略有增加,果汁的电导率则呈明显增加趋势,其他指标如总酸度、糖和pH值基本不变;

    Thereafter , the conductivity tended to increase with storage time , vitamin C dropped by 10 % and the content of carotenoids increased slightly while the other indicators such as total acidity , total sugars and pH showed little variation .

  17. 城市现代化趋势与评价指标初探

    The trends of urban modernization and its quotas

  18. 本文从该船型国内外发展趋势,技术指标和研究路径作一初步探索,供有关人员参考。

    The paper provides a preliminary analysis on its market development both in China and abroad , its technical requirement and research direction .

  19. 因此需要定量地了解各层次协议的网络流量和业务流的使用分布、增长趋势等特征指标,建立精确的网络流量模型与业务流流量、性能模型,发现影响或者限制网络性能的关键。

    So , there are requirement to understand network traffic at different protocol levels and traffic characteristics metrics such as the distribution of flows quantificationally .

  20. 冠状动脉直径的变化虽无统计学意义,但变化趋势与生化指标各个时间点的变化基本一致。

    Although changes of trunk diameter of coronary artery were no statistically significant , the trends of change and changes in biochemical indicators was consistent . 5 .

  21. 并给出几个重要风险水平下草原火灾风险的空间分布趋势和综合指标下的我国草原火灾风险空间分布趋势。

    The grassland fire disaster risk levels of various regions in northern China were quantitatively indicated and the spatial distribution tendency of grassland fire disaster risk was shown .

  22. 测定了不同温度下莲雾毒蛾各虫态的存活状况,并就卵孵化率、幼虫存活率、蛹羽化率、产卵量和种群趋势指数等指标与温度的关系进行相关性分析。

    The regression equations of the rates of hatching , larvae survival , emergence , the egg number laid by a female and population trend indices against temperatures were analyzed .

  23. 很明显,排行榜是一个良性警告因为它们从来没有告之真个事实,但是这些排行提供一个国际趋势的有力指标。

    Clearly , league tables must always come with a health warning as they never tell the whole story , but these rankings provide a useful indicator of international trends .

  24. 煤炭资源是我国国民经济发展的主要保障能源,其供求关系、运价走势是我国国内煤炭海运市场发展趋势的主要指标。

    Coal resource is the main guarantee energy of the development of our national economy , and its relationship between supply and demand , price trend are the main factors of national coal shipping market ' development .

  25. 结果表明:重庆市水安全指数在过去的14年呈现出逐年上升的趋势,压力指标有所下降,状态、响应指标均呈现上升趋势,整体上属于比较良好的发展状态。

    The result shows that in the past fourteen years , Chongqing water safety index is in a rising trend . Also , the state and responds indexes are both in rising trend while the pressure index is in a down trend .

  26. 本文还根据目前电梯系统设计趋势,对能耗指标和PWM脉冲对电机绝缘冲击两个实际问题进行了重点分析。

    The paper also analyzes energy consumption indicators and the impact of the PWM pulse for the motor insulation issues based on the current trend of elevator system design .

  27. 这种悠闲消费(不必要的消费)的趋势演变成为口红指标。

    That trend in discretionary ( or nonessential ) spending has become known as the lipstick indicator .

  28. 但是如果我们往回看,在过去20年间的趋势不论在输入指标还是在输出指标上,中国都在强劲增长。

    But if we step back , the trend over two decades is strongly upward on both input and output indicators .

  29. 因此,必须建立一套既科学高效,又切实可行,符合水利发展趋势的水利统计指标体系,更好地发挥水利统计的监督、信息、咨询、服务职能。

    It is necessary to design a new system of statistic index for government monitoring and decision making , according to situation of water conservancy development .

  30. 研究结果表明,判断短期趋势的技术分析指标对于取得收益率来说只起辅助作用,并不起主要作用。

    The results show that short-term technical analysis indicators for the rate of return only play a supporting role and do not play a major role .