
  • 网络franken;Franconia;Al Franken;Franconian
  1. 纽约葡萄酒店GothamWines&Liquors的葡萄酒主管科斯塔斯·穆祖拉斯(CostasMouzouras)只存有一瓶西万尼(产自弗兰肯,装在大肚瓶中)。

    Costas Mouzouras , wine director of New York wine store Gotham Wines & Liquors , has a single Silvaner ( from Franken , in a bocksbeutel ) in stock .

  2. 在德国的弗兰肯(Franken)地区,西万尼是崭露头角的主打品种,但又有多少人了解弗兰肯地区的佳酿呢?

    It has the distinction of being the flagship grape of Germany 's Franken region , but how many people talk about the great wines of Franken ?

  3. 人们比较熟悉的“弗兰肯食品”包括拉面汉堡和煎蛋寿司等。

    Better known Frankenfoods include the Ramen Burger and Spam Sushi .

  4. 亚当:在尝过那个皮塔三明治蛋卷后,我决定制作自己的“弗兰肯食品”。

    Example : Adam : " After eating that gyro egg-roll , I decided to make my own Frankenfood . "

  5. “弗兰肯食品”是用变革性方法烹调出的食品,食材和调味料的搭配让人意想不到,结果可能是美味的一餐,也可能是一团糟。

    Frankenfoods are revolutionary culinary creations that mash up original and unexpected food combinations and ingredients , resulting in delicious dishes ... or awful misses .

  6. 出入控制系统需要强有力的干预和保护方式加密传输,弗兰肯说。

    Access-control systems need stronger tamper protections and a way to encrypt transmissions , Franken said .

  7. 虽然这些食品在食用前大部分被收回厂,但是这种高科技混合物还是增加了公众对所谓弗兰肯食品的疑虑。

    Though most of the food was recalled before it was eaten , the high-tech mix-up increased public skepticism about so-called frankenfoods .

  8. 他们在地板下发现了一个装着些陈旧纸张的盒子,安德森先生认为那些纸应该是早在1560年就失踪的尼古拉斯.弗兰肯的。

    Under the floor they found a box . There were old papers inside the box . Anderson thought that the papers belonged to Nicolas Francken ---- the man who had disappeared in 1560 .

  9. 这回他只找到一封主教写的关于尼古拉斯.弗兰肯的信,信中写到有一些市民试图把弗兰肯赶出维堡市,他们到弗兰肯的住处,却发现他人已经不见了。

    He found only one more letter from the Bishop about Nicolas Francken . A group of town people had tried to make Francken leave Viborg . They had gone to Francken 's house , but Francken had disappeared .