
  • 网络Flavian dynasty
  1. 从弗拉维王朝时期起,随着国家财经大权悉归元首,国库和元首私库的差别不断缩小,到公元3世纪时二者差别消失。

    From the Flavian Dynasty on , with the financial power of the country turning into the hand of the emperor , the distinction between the aerarium saturni and the fiscus became less and less . In the 3rd century , the difference between the two disappeared .

  2. 但是在这一短暂的时期内,弗拉维王朝的皇帝们在一场壮丽权力表演中,掌控着战争的胜负和水位的起伏。

    But for a brief time , the Flavian Emperors controlled the tides of war and water in a spectacular show of power .