
  • 网络Medieval architecture
  1. 这座教堂是中世纪建筑风格的典型实例。

    This church is a classic example of medieval architecture .

  2. 这座教堂是中世纪建筑一个典范的例子。

    This church is a perfect example of medieval architecture .

  3. 就在圣马克广场那边,一艘游轮经过,每年都有数百艘这样的游轮出现在这些中世纪建筑的周围。

    Just beyond St. Mark 's Square , a cruise ship passes , one of hundreds every year that appear over their medieval surroundings .

  4. 中世纪建筑艺术与工艺美术运动的家具设计

    Architectural Art in Middle Ages and Furniture Design of Arts and Crafts Movement

  5. 纽约克罗埃斯特博物馆是一个收藏中世纪建筑与艺术品的博物馆。

    New York Cloisters is a museum collecting works of art and architecture of the Middle Ages .

  6. 圣尼古拉斯教堂是一座朴素的中世纪建筑,自奥斯汀时代以来就几乎不曾改变,只增加了一座维多利亚时期的尖塔。

    St. Nicholas is a simple medieval structure , little changed from the Austen years , save for the addition of a Victorian steeple .

  7. 夜间则要么下榻建在翻新后的中世纪建筑中的高端酒店,要么在置身于软木橡树间的乡村住宅农家乐(agritourismo)里度过。

    Nights are spent in either a high-end hotel tucked in to a refurbished medieval building or an agritourismo , a country estate nestled among cork trees .

  8. 当时巴黎不单是一座美丽的城市而已,而且还是清一色建筑风格的城市,是中世纪建筑艺术和中世纪历史的产物,是一部岩石的编年史。

    It was not then merely a handsome city ; it was a homogeneous city , an architectural and historical product of the middle ages , a chronicle in stone .

  9. 报道说,荷兰议会大厦为一幢濒临护城河的中世纪建筑,长期以来一直深受鼠害的困扰。

    The Dutch parliament , or Binnenhof , which is centred around a cluster of mediaeval buildings with turrets and a moat , has a lingering problem with vermin , the paper said .

  10. 你根本不需要一张地图来引导你去参观斯德哥尔摩中世纪的建筑。

    You don 't need a map to explore the medieval parts of Stockholm .

  11. 尼科尔:正是如此,人们可以在这里举行婚礼,购物中心落成才不过几年前,而里面的教堂却是仿中世纪的建筑。

    Some of them being built in shopping malls . NICOLE : That 's right .

  12. 技术与艺术的交融&欧洲中世纪宗教建筑内部拱顶视觉效果的演变

    Integration of Technical and Artistic & Evolution of Interior Arch Vision Effect of European Middle Ages Religion Construction

  13. 中世纪哥特建筑的瑰宝巴黎圣母院现在急需大规模整修。

    The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris , a jewel of medieval Gothic architecture , needs an extensive makeover .

  14. 起源于欧洲中世纪教堂建筑中的哥特艺术,是以建筑实体形式凝固下来的一种文化存在。

    The Gothic Art which was derived from church architecture in the middle age of Europe is one kind of cultural existence as architectural hypostatic form .

  15. 这里既有中世纪的建筑、现代的高楼大厦、又有迷人的海滩和险峻的峭壁,再加上温和的气候使得埃克塞特成为最受欢迎的城市。

    Buildings of the middle ages as well as the modern styles , magical beach , precipitous cliff and temperate weather makes the city a most popular tourist attraction .

  16. 欧洲中世纪大学及建筑&近现代大学的起源

    Universities and Campus Buildings in Medieval Europe : the Origin of Neoteric and Modern University

  17. 中世纪宗教音乐与建筑的精神特征

    Spiritual Characteristics of Religious Music and Architecture in the Middle Ages

  18. 此建筑的设计师称,该校是仿照中世纪欧洲的城堡建筑来涉及这座校舍的,而不是效仿《哈利波特》中的魔法城堡。然而二者却有着惊人的相似。

    But designers say the university is modeled on the architecture of the castles of medieval Europe , rather than Harry Potter 's school but the resemblance is startling .