
  • 网络Chinese paper cut;Chinese paper-cut;Chinese Paper Cutting
  1. 但总体来看,中国剪纸的历史最为悠久,并且题材多样、内容丰富。

    But overall , the oldest Chinese paper-cut , diversified , rich in content and subject matter .

  2. 我要研究的是毕加索立体画派的概念是否可以被应用到中国剪纸动画中去。

    I want to research if the idea of picasso 's stereograph school can be apply into Chinese paper-cut animation .

  3. 不久之后,她参加了一项推广中国剪纸的活动。

    Soon after that , she took part in an activity to promote Chinese paper cutting .

  4. 中国剪纸艺术的历史沿革

    The History Origin and Development of Chinese Paper Cutting Art

  5. 那你一定知道很多中国剪纸咯!

    Lily : So you must know a lot about Chinese paper cutting .

  6. 她能做漂亮的中国剪纸。

    She can make beautiful Chinese paper-cuts .

  7. 中国剪纸是代代相传的剪纸艺术。

    Chinese paper cutting is an ancient art form passed on from generation to generation .

  8. 中国剪纸的象征

    The Symbolic Meanings of Paper-cut in China

  9. 中国剪纸作为传统艺术的一种,在民俗活动中占有很重要的地位。

    Chinese paper-cutting , as one of the traditional arts , places an important part in folks ' activities .

  10. 江苏省的扬州有“中国剪纸之乡”的称号。

    Yangzhou , a city in Jiangsu Province , has the name of " the home of Chinese paper-cut " .

  11. 她现为中国剪纸家学会理事、陕西省海外联谊会理事。

    She is now holding a Director of Chinese Paper-cut Artists Association . A Director of Shaanxi Province Overseas Friendship Association .

  12. 中国剪纸艺术作为一种民间艺术形式,现在已被广泛应用到设计的各个领域中。

    Chinese paper-cut art as a form of folk art , has been widely applied to various areas of the design .

  13. 以立体画派的概念和中国剪纸动画的形式设计角色,和对角色进行动画。

    Animate the character designed according to the idea of Picasso 's stereograph school and the form of Chinese paper-cut animation .

  14. 中国剪纸是传统艺术的重要组成部分,它的艺术表现形式中包含着丰富的平面构成元素。

    Chinese paper cutting is one of the major components of Chinese traditional art , and it consists of comprehensive graphic component elements .

  15. 中国剪纸、中国画等诸如此类的东西,或者你可以做一道中国菜带上。

    Chinese paper cuts , Chinese paintings , or other things like that , or even you can cook a Chinese dish and bring it with you .

  16. 他说,1988年的设计是传统的中国剪纸龙,因为当时正值改革攻坚,刻意回避龙的威严感。

    He said the one for 1988 was a traditional Chinese paper-cut dragon because China was in a difficult time of reform then , and the design intentionally played down the dragon stateliness .

  17. 比如中国剪纸,中国茶或中国的书签。中国茶艺源流论析&兼论中日韩茶风异同

    Such as Chinese papercuts or Chinese tea or even some Chinese book marks . The Origin of China 's Art of Tea & Similarity and Difference between China , Japan and Korea in Their Tea Culture

  18. 中国剪纸艺术是存在于人民之中的古老艺术,是一种形象艺术,具有高度的概括性,强烈的夸张性和丰富的装饰性,是中国传统艺术的重要组成部分。

    Chinese Paper-cut is an ancient art which has existed among the people for thousands of years . It is a kind of graphic art . As an important part of the traditional art of China , it is rich in generality , exaggeration and decoration .

  19. 廖俊伟(音译)是新型纸板纸张设计公司Paperself的创立者,他设计了一个融合了中国传统剪纸艺术的精美假睫毛系列。

    Chunwei Liao , founder of new cardboard and paper design company Paperself , has introduced an intricate range of false lashes that incorporates the traditional Chinese art of paper cutting .

  20. 浅谈中国民间剪纸的构成形式

    A Study of the Component Essentials of Folk Paper-cut in China

  21. 剪裁技巧则借鉴了中国传统剪纸艺术。

    The cutting technique was derived from traditional Chinese paper cutting .

  22. 因此,在2002年,联合国科教文组织决定将中国的剪纸列为世界文化遗产。

    In2002 , UNESCO acknowledged Chinese paper-cuts to be World Cultural Heritage .

  23. 中国民间剪纸艺术的装饰美

    The Decorative Beauty of Chinese Folk Paper - cut Art

  24. 从符号学角度解析中国民间剪纸艺术

    Explaining the Art of Chinese Paper Cutting from the Angle of Semiotics

  25. 中国民间剪纸美学初探

    Research on Aesthetics of Chinese Folk Paper Cutting

  26. 库淑兰是中国民间剪纸艺术杰出的代表人物之一,被誉为“剪花娘子”。

    Ku Shulan is one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese folk paper-cut art .

  27. 中国是剪纸艺术产生或出现最早的国家。

    China is the birthplace of paper-cutting art .

  28. 此会员档案表由中国国际剪纸协会监制,复印无效。

    The table manufactured by the supervision of China International Paper-cut Association , Copying invalid .

  29. 中国民间剪纸作为民间美术的主体艺术,历史悠久、源远流长。

    As a main form of folk arts , Chinese paper-cut has a long history .

  30. 中国民间剪纸如何借鉴学习姊妹艺术来发展自身独特风格的?

    How does the folk paper-cut art form the unique style of itself by studying other art ?