
zhōnɡ dào
  • halfway;midway;golden mean
  • mean;Madhyma-pratipada
中道 [zhōng dào]
  • (1) [halfway]∶半路;中途

  • 中道而返

  • 中道还兄门。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 而中道崩殂。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 若中道而归。--《后汉书.列女传》

  • (2) [mean]∶中庸之道

  • (3) [Madhyma-pratipada][佛教]∶指一种特定的德操和哲理,据认为,人持有它就可以不至于趋向自满和自苦的两个极端而从速彻悟

  1. 利用统一模型语言(UML:UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)对道桥单元和移动单元模型的属性进行描述,由此建立道桥施工中道桥及车辆的信息模型。

    Using UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) properties of road bridges and vehicles are described , and the information models of road bridges and vehicles are built .

  2. 建构一种中道的社会福利体制

    Taking a mean course to the Development of Social Welfare System

  3. 论亚里士多德的中道原理及其现代价值

    The " Mean " Principle of Aristotle and its Modern Value

  4. 我们尽力尝试建立中道。

    We try our best to build up the middle path .

  5. 我们必须努力去选择正确的中道。

    We must endeavor to take the correct and middle path .

  6. 《史记》中道家思想占主导

    The Leading Role of Taoist Thought in Records of Historian

  7. 中庸与中道思想比较研究

    Comparative research into Doctrine of Mean and Mean Thought

  8. 论中庸中道观与中西方教育

    Golden Mean and Education in the West and China

  9. 为己与利他的中道&志愿精神的伦理解读

    The Balance between Egoism and Altruism & The Ethical Interpretation of Voluntary Spirit

  10. 我们需要修习中道。

    We need to practice the middle way .

  11. 我们走中道,不极端。

    We re not one extreme or another .

  12. 这是(密学)研究院可以学习中道的方法。

    This is the way that the Academy can learn of the middle way .

  13. 亚里士多德的哲学观点是三分法,倡导中道哲学。

    Aristotle 's philosophical view is trichotomy , which advocates a middle course philosophy .

  14. 我们的师尊已经是中道。

    Our Master is already the middle way .

  15. 佛家中道思想对苏轼的影响

    The Influence of the Buddhist Thought of Following the Middle Course on Su Shi

  16. 妙启不二、圆行中道:文殊智慧中的人文精神

    The Humane Spirit in the Wisdom of Mayuri

  17. 对不起,去新中道怎么走?

    Excuse me , which way is shinjang-ri ?

  18. 热连轧宽带钢中道次变形量的自动分配模型

    Automatic Distribution Model of Engineering Strain Per Pass for Continuous Hot Rolling of Wide-Strip Steel

  19. 王骥德的曲学与佛教中道观有着密切关系。

    There is close relation between Wang Jide'opera theories and the Zhongguan Doctrine of Buddhism .

  20. 经过六年的学习和冥想(修行),他终于找到了'中道'后获得了解脱。

    After six years of study and meditation he finally found'the middle path'and was enlightened .

  21. 论中国绘画中道家思想的影响

    On Influence of Taoism on Chinese Paintings

  22. 论亚里士多德的中道思想

    On Aristotle 's Golden Mean Thought

  23. 浅析圆点儒家中庸论的目的&与亚里士多德的中道相比较

    On the End of Golden Mean in Core Confucianism & compared with Middle Use of Aristotle

  24. 命运悲剧与伦理悲剧&中西方古典悲剧中道德感的比较

    Tragedies of Fate and Ethic

  25. 从相对的自由到当下的自由&禅宗视野中道禅自由观比较

    The Relative Freedom and the Present Liberty & A Compare on Freedom View of Taoism and Zen

  26. 武术中德与跆拳道中道之比较

    The Comparison of the " Virtuous " in Wushu and " Do " in Tae Kwon Do

  27. 本文提出了一种航空图像中道路线特征的提取算法,适用于复杂背景下城区中多等级道路的特征识别。

    This paper proposed an algorithm to extraction hierarchical road features from high-resolution aerial images of urban areas .

  28. 为了提高道岔梁的使用寿命,应降低转辙过程中道岔梁的应力幅值水平。

    To improve the life of switch beam , it should reduce the stress amplitude of switching process .

  29. 他倡导宽容、多元和中道,显示出一个当代文化人开阔的视野和胸襟。

    He calls for tolerance , mediocre and diversification , revealing his wide view and breadth of mind .

  30. 勘察阶段深埋长大隧中道煤层瓦斯涌出与突出的预测研究

    The forecasting study on coal gas emergence and burst in deep , long and Wide Tunnel at Prospecting Stage