
  • 网络west-centered theory
  1. 将经典现代化理论指斥为西方中心论之文化观,不仅有失偏颇,且无助于发展中国家的现代化进程。

    To consider the classical modernization theory as west-centered theory is not equal and not helpful to modernization in developing countries .

  2. 马克思的世界历史理论超越了西方中心论,对全球化的概念与历史开端有着深刻的论述。

    He expressed the concept of globalization deeply by his theory of World History .

  3. 同时,其形成的研究范式也是一种以民族国家中心论、西方中心论和人类主体中心论为特征的现代性研究范式。

    They all focus on modernity , and their research paradigms are also related to modernity .

  4. 在小说中,作家不仅痛快淋漓地颠覆了西方中心论,而且也建构了人类社会应有的生存方式。

    In the fiction , the writer not only destabilizes the west-centrism , but also constructs a should-be life style of human beings .

  5. 其实这是从以西学为蓝本的现代学术视角而论中国固有之史学的,其中不乏西方中心论的印迹。

    In fact , it is from modem western academic angle to evaluate Chinese inherent historiography so a trace of Western-oriented theory can be discerned .

  6. 它有助于克服文化上的西方中心论,克服价值一元论,丰富哲学思维,也能有效地促进可持续发展战略的实施。

    The values could contribute to doing away with the concept of " Occident centralization " in culture and the monism in values so as to enrich philosophical thought and enforce the strategy of a sustainable development .

  7. 第一部分论述后殖民问题,着重描述和分析文本涉及的性别、教会、种族和战争问题,揭示文本旨在颠覆西方中心论。

    The first section expounds postcolonial problems the text concerned through describing and analyzing the problems of gender , church , race and war and then reveals that the gist of the text is to destabilize the west-centrism .

  8. 本文首先分析了20世纪中国图书馆学研究中的西方中心论倾向给中国图书馆学的研究和发展造成的影响和产生的原因。

    First this paper has analysed the tendency of " the West center " in the study of China library science in 20th century , which has an effect on the study and development of china library and its reason .

  9. 其在社会发展的思维方式上破除了历史的单线进化论,体现出反对西方中心论的基本论点和理论特色。

    On the development of society , the eastern society theory , with its basic theory opposing the view that regards west as the centre , has got rid of the view that claimed that history has evolved in a single way .

  10. 三是西方文化中心论的影响,使得专家对中国文化价值认知不足;

    The third reason is the influences of western centered-culture ideology .

  11. 中国古代文论研究存在西方文化中心论的倾向。

    There is a tendency of " West centered culture " in the study of ancient Chinese literary theory .

  12. 这个反西方文化中心论的视角,关涉着中国社会主义初级阶段文化性质的论定。

    This angle of view , objecting to the western-culture-oriented theory , concerns how to define the cultural character of the primary phase of socialist society .

  13. 既成的中国美学的理论研究,其问题主要在于它过分拘泥于西方认识论中心论的二元论预设,把美学理论误作对现成的审美主体和客观的审美对象之间的审美体验的一种抽象概括。

    This dissertation claims that the primary deficiency of the past theoretical researches in Chinese aesthetics is people mainly focused on the dualistic presupposition of western epistemology , mistaking aesthetic theory as an abstract summary of aesthetics experience from the existed aesthetic subject and object .

  14. 西方的中国人形象自始至终都是西方欧洲中心论的产物。

    The western image of the Chinese people is allalong a result of the Western Euro-centric mentality .

  15. 迈纳、米列娜、宇文所安等为代表的西方学者的中西比较诗学研究,在突破西方中心论和促进中西诗学的互补与交流方面贡献很大。

    The third part is the study by western scholars , which has broken the west centralism and promoted the mutual complement and interchange of poetics between China and West .

  16. 而就西方国际关系理论所关注的外部世界而言,它又成为了西方中心论的合法化证明。

    To legitimate the international relations as a discipline and western domination of the theory .

  17. 西方历史上,对动物关怀爱护的善者一直在与导致动物成为人类工具的西方人类中心主义价值论相抗争,西方宗教神学及哲学文化是这种人类中心论的深刻根源。

    In the history of west , virtuous person who take good care of animal were opposing the anthropocentrism axiology of west which led animal became tools of human , The religion divinity and philosophy culture of west is the profound origin .