
  1. 西方近代哲学接过理性这面旗帜,重整旗鼓继续前行。

    Rational modern Western philosophy took this banner , regroup and move on .

  2. 西方近代哲学中的自由观念

    On Ideas of Freedom in Western Modern Philosophy

  3. 论西方近代哲学之不确定性&以牛顿物理学与笛卡尔哲学为例

    On Uncertainty of Western Modern Philosophy & A Case of Newton 's Physics and Descartes ' Philosophy

  4. 我们要继续学习西方近代哲学的主体性精神和主体-客体的思维方式;

    We should go on learning the subjective spirit and the subject-object way of thinking in modern western philosophy ;

  5. 西方近代哲学是从对自我对主体的反省开始的,哲学由此从本体论转向了认识论。

    Western modern philosophy began with self-reflection on ego or subject , and then philosophy changed from ontology to epistemology .

  6. 在第一个阶段,研究的重点在马克思主义哲学与西方近代哲学的关系问题上;

    In the first stage , the study mainly concentrated on the relative between the Marxist and the modern Western philosophy ;

  7. 对于西方近代哲学,人们常从认识论,或从某一方面以实体、观念、自然、精神、人等等为题展开研究,而从基督教神学上帝的视角进行研究的则还不够。

    Researches on modern western philosophy always choose epistemology or such perspectives as substance , idea , nature , spirit , human , etc.

  8. 尼采是19世纪下半期德国哲学家,西方近代哲学向现代哲学转变过程中的一位重要人物。

    Nietzsche , German philosopher in the latter of 19th century , was one VIP in the course when western modern philosophy transform into modern philosophy .

  9. 西方近代哲学对人与自然关系的理论把握,是古希腊自然哲学对人与自然矛盾关系的观念的进一步发展。

    Modern Western philosophy on the relationship between man and nature is the development of the ancient Greek philosophical idea about the contradiction between man and nature .

  10. 狄尔泰是西方近代哲学向现代哲学转折中的重要人物,也是西方诠释学传统中最具代表性的人物之一。

    Wilhelm Dilthey is an important figure in the turning of Modern Western philosophy , and is also one of the most representative figures of Western Hermeneutic tradition .

  11. 西方近代哲学是理性主义哲学,崇尚理性的能力,受其影响,心理学试图通过科学方法,揭露智力的本质特征。

    Modern Western philosophy is a rational philosophy , advocating rational capacity , its influence , psychology , the scientific method attempts to expose the essential characteristic of intelligence .

  12. 在杜威之前,西方近代哲学中的心灵概念经历了从笛卡尔的个体自我,经康德的静态先验自我,到黑格尔的动态精神的发展过程。

    Before Dewey , the modern Western notion of mind has developed from Descartes " individual self ", through Kant 't static transcendental ego , to Hegel 's dynamic Spirit .

  13. 启蒙思想家为此进行了热烈的探讨,试图为科学创新概念提供深刻的哲学基础,形成了西方近代哲学的认识论转向。

    The enlightenment thinkers made hotly debate on this issue in order to provide a deep philosophical foundation for " Science Innovation " concept , which formed " the transformation of epistemology " in western modern philosophy .

  14. 运用历史与逻辑相统一的研究方法,在分析西方近代哲学中的自由观念的历史进程的基础上,勾勒出这个历史进程背后的逻辑进程。

    With the research method of historical and logical unity , this paper makes an analysis of historical process of ideas of freedom , and then on the basis of the analysis , outlines the logical process behind the historical process .

  15. 西方近代主体哲学强调自我,表现出唯我论姿态,现代现象学兴起,改变了这一格局,他者受到重视,但现象学视阈中的他者又各有不同的言说。

    The subjectival Western philosophy emphasizes " ego " and advocates " solipsism ", but the emergence of modern phenomenology has changed the situation and " otherness " is paid close attention to .

  16. 主体性是西方近代以来哲学和文化的重要主题。本文首先追溯和梳理了西方哲学中主体性思想发展的历史,以及马克思主义哲学对西方主体性思想的继承和革命性改造。

    This article first traced and combed the main ideological development of the Western philosophy ' history , as well as the inheritance and revolutionary transformation of Western subjectivity thinking from philosophy of Marxism .

  17. 西方近代以来哲学的两条基本进路即经验主义和理性主义,但都未能彻底解决原初观念的问题,也不能解决生存和生活的问题。

    The development of western philosophy since modern times are in two basic ways which are empiricism and rationalism . But both can resolve thoroughly nether the problem of " the primordial idea " nor that of existence and living .

  18. 晚明时期的科学启蒙没有产生类似于西方的近代哲学和自然科学,但晚明学人的科学思想和实践至今仍不失其深远意义。

    Though the enlightenment of scientific thoughts in the late Ming Dynasty failed to bring China the modern philosophy and natural sciences analogous to those of western societies , they are still of far-reaching significance today in terms of scientific thoughts and their practices as well .

  19. 在社会历史的巨变中,西方哲学从近代哲学到现代哲学的发展经历了重大的转型。

    Great transformation has witnessed the development of western philosophy from modern one to contemporary one in the great changes of social history .

  20. 本文对科技异化进行了理论上的界定,并试图探求科技异化的根源,认为其主要根源在于西方近代主体性哲学的失落与科学的盲目膨胀。

    This article has carried on the theoretically limits to the technical disassimilation , and attempts to seek the technical disassimilation the root , thought its main root lies in the western modern times philosophy losing with the scientific rational inflation .

  21. 西方近代自然科学的巨大成功导致了西方近代哲学包括美学的认识论倾向。

    The great success of the natural science in the West has brought about the western philosophy including the epistemology in aesthetics .