
  • 网络The University of Western Australia;UWA;Western Australia
  1. 有关屎壳郎惊人力量的研究报告由克奈尔和西澳大学的雷•西蒙斯教授共同撰写,已在《皇家学会学报B类》上发表(译者注:B类指的是生物科学领域)。

    Onthophagus taurus 's amazing feats of strength are chronicled by Knell and Professor Leigh Simmons of the University of Western Australia in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B .

  2. 今年年初,西澳大学一位教授对草甘膦的过度使用进行了评论。

    Earlier this year , a professor at the University of Western Australia the overuse of glyphosate .

  3. 澳大利亚西澳大学佩思分校的MathewMartin-Iverson说这可能是因为调整视觉神经活动的神经传递素同时受到了情绪的影响。

    Mathew Martin-Iverson at the University of Western Australia in Perth says this could be because the neurotransmitters which regulate nerve activity in vision could also be involved in emotion .

  4. 英。桑德斯教授,澳洲西澳大学社会与文化学院院长。

    Professor Ian Sanders , Head of School , Social and Cultural Studies .

  5. 提出这一研究结论的西澳大学的研究者还发现母乳中可能含有促进大脑发育的物质。

    The researchers , from the University of Western Australia , also suggested that there may be substances in breast milk that help the brain develop .

  6. “该项研究有助于我们更好地理解家庭动态如何影响生殖发育,”西澳大学行为生态学家弗利沙-米尔恩说道。

    " This research helps us to better understand how family dynamics influence development ," said researcher Fritha Milne , a behavioral ecologist at the University of Western Australia .

  7. 西澳大学孔子学院的一名发言人说:我大概看了一下白皮书的中文版,虽然存在改进的空间,特别是在选词措辞上面还有问题,但还是可以看懂的。

    Upon a quick review of the Chinese version , it was found to be readable and understandable , although there was room for improvement , especially in the choice of word / terms , a spokesman from the Confucius Institute at the University of Western Australia said .

  8. 据西澳柯廷大学进行的一项研究显示,女性将首先彻底退出吸菸行列。

    A study by Curtin University in Western Australia suggests that women will be the first to butt out for good .