
  • 网络The University of Adelaide;Adelaide University;Adelaide Uni
  1. 阿德莱德大学雇用了一批专职的消防专业人员。

    The University of Adelaide employs a full-time staff of fire prevention professionals .

  2. 人们认为,现在许多反对猫的措施是阿德莱德大学动物学家戴维-佩顿提出来的。

    David Paton , a zoologist at the University of Adelaide , is credited with sparking off many of the measures now being taken against cats .

  3. 方法通过调研与考察,归纳、总结、介绍澳大利亚阿德莱德大学牙学院口腔正畸学专业研究生的培养模式。

    Methods We studied and introduced the educational mode of clinical postgraduate in orthodontics in Dental School of Adelaide University in Australia .

  4. 阿德莱德大学教授莎拉-罗伯逊说,研究表明精子含有“信号分子”,可以激活女性免疫系统的变化,让她的身体接受自己。

    University of Adelaide professor Sarah Robertson said her research suggested that sperm contains " signaling molecules " that activate immunity changes in a woman so her body accepts it .

  5. 约翰斯波尔是阿德莱德大学澳洲工场创新与社会研究中心的执行董事,他表示,汽车制造商很难在澳大利亚运营。

    John Spoehr is executive director of the Australian Workplace , Innovation and Social Research Center at the University of Adelaide . He says carmakers have found it difficult to operate in Australia .

  6. 对于已婚伴侣来说,他们会渐渐形成同样的习惯,这些习惯通常影响着他们的体重。来自澳大利亚阿德莱德弗林德斯大学的减重研究者伊万卡·普理查德如是说。

    It 's not unusual for married couples to forge common habits over time that influence their weight , said Ivanka Prichard , a weight loss researcher at Flinders University in Adelaide , Australia .

  7. 澳大利亚阿德莱德弗林德斯大学的一个研究小组调查研究了睡眠期失调遭推迟,其特征就是迟迟无法入睡无法按时醒来。

    A team from Flinders University in Adelaide , Australia , are investigating delayed sleep phase disorder , which is characterised by a persistent inability to fall asleep and wake at a conventional time .