
  • 网络Arak;Araque
  1. 萨洛克是位于伊朗阿拉克北部的一个小村庄。

    Sarouk is a village north of Arak , Iran .

  2. 伊朗国家媒体报导说,星期一对阿拉克设施的查看进行了5个小时。

    Iranian state media reports Monday 's inspection of the Arak facility took five hours .

  3. 曾因在伊朗阿拉克(Arak)重水反应堆的工作而受到欧盟(EU)、美国及其他国家制裁的MachineSaziArak公司也在该网站的供应商列表之中,显示为锅炉、热交换设备及石化设备供应商。

    Machine Sazi Arak , a company that has been sanctioned by the EU , the US and other countries for its work at Iran 's Arak heavy water reactor , is listed as a supplier of boilers , heat exchangers and petrochemical equipment .

  4. 伊朗阿拉克电厂燃油燃气锅炉的安装及监理

    Installation and Supervision on Oil-fired Gas-fired Boilers in Arac Power Plant , Iran

  5. 伊朗阿拉克电厂的电缆敷设

    Cable Laying in Arac Power Plant , Iran

  6. 东昆仑阿拉克湖地区第四纪地层时代厘定及环境变迁

    Age determinations of the Quaternary strata and environmental changes in the Alag Lake area , East Kunlun

  7. 对干预城市和农村的人口实施生活方式干预,对阿拉克则不实施相应措施。

    Lifestyle interventions targeted the urban and rural populations in the intervention counties but were not implemented in Arak .

  8. 在根据大选结果组建以阿拉克政府之前,伊拉克需要一个看守政府。

    A caretaker administration is in place as Iraqis form a government based on the results of that election .

  9. 伊朗官员说,他们在北部的阿拉克镇被拘押,伊朗正在那里建造一个重水核反应堆。

    The officials say the two were detained in the northern town of Arak , where Iran is building a heavy water nuclear reactor .

  10. 协议内容涉及伊朗的浓缩铀活动、阿拉克市内的重水反应堆以及伊朗纯度为20%的浓缩铀储藏。

    Issues including Iran 's enrichment of uranium , the heavy water reactor in Arac and dealing Iran 's stock pile of 20 % enriched urium .

  11. 伊斯法罕健康心脏计划在两个干预城市(伊斯法罕和纳贾夫阿巴德)和一个对照区(阿拉克)进行社区试验。

    Within the framework of the Isfahan Healthy Heart Program , a community trial was conducted in two intervention counties ( Isfahan and Najaf-Abad ) and a control area ( Arak ) .

  12. 该临时协议要求伊朗在现有水平停止浓缩铀,暂停后续的离心分离机工作,停止制造钚的阿拉克反应堆的主要工作。

    The interim agreement requires Iran to stop enriching uranium at current levels , freeze further work on centrifuges , and halt major activities at the Arak reactor , designed to produce plutonium .

  13. 这派人大多是军人,阿拉克切耶夫属于该派,他们所想所说的都是没有信念,但又希望像有信念的普通人所想和所说的。

    The members of this party to which Araktcheev belonged were mostly not military men , and they spoke and reasoned as men usually do who have no convictions , but wish to pass for having them .

  14. 伊朗正在阿拉克修建一个重水核研究反应堆,并声称这是出于该国农业和医疗发展的需要。不过,美国和以色列认为这会让伊朗得以开发钚核弹。

    Iran is building a heavy-water nuclear research reactor at Arak , which it says is needed for the country 's agricultural and medical development but which the US and Israel say could allow it to develop a plutonium nuclear bomb .