
  • 网络Albert II;Prince Albert II;King Albert II of Belgium
  1. 同样是在2011年,摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王和夏琳·丽奈特·维斯托克(CharleneLynetteWittstock)结婚,2012年,卢森堡大公储纪尧姆(Guillaume)和比利时女伯爵斯蒂芬妮·德·兰诺伊(StephaniedeLannoy)结婚。

    Also in 2011 , Prince Albert II of Monaco wed Charlene Lynette Wittstock and in 2012 , Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg united with Belgian Countess Stephanie de Lannoy .

  2. 阿尔贝二世:比利时可以是中国进入欧洲的大门

    Albert II , For China , Belgium Will Be The Entrance to Europe

  3. 阿尔贝二世亲王与多位女模特和女演员有过暧昧关系,还承认有两个私生子。

    Albert himself has been linked with a succession of models and actresses , and has admitted to fathering two illegitimate children .

  4. 在白色花朵装饰的巨型白色大理石双层楼梯脚下的王宫庭院里,53岁的阿尔贝二世亲王迎娶了33岁的新娘维特施托克。

    The 53-year-old married Wittstock , 33 , in the courtyard of his palace at the foot of a vast white-marble double staircase lined with white flowers .

  5. 也就是在那年在一次游泳比赛中她遇到了摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王,当年夏琳只有22岁,阿尔贝二世亲王已经42岁,第二年他们就开始了浪漫的恋情。

    That same year she met Prince Albert while in Monaco for a swimming competition . Charlene Wittstock was 22 and Prince Albert was 42 , but in the next few years a romance began .

  6. 摩纳哥国家元首阿尔贝二世亲王和南非游泳健将查伦维特施托克上周六在欢笑声中举行了婚礼。到场的还有欧洲皇室名人成员以及国际知名人士。

    With a wink and a smile , Monaco 's ruler Prince Albert married South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock on Saturday in a ceremony attended by a who 's who of European royalty and the international elite .

  7. 阿尔贝二世亲王的姐妹、卡罗琳公主和斯蒂芬妮公主都身着粉色礼服,面带微笑。到场的还有法国总统尼古拉萨科齐、香奈尔设计师卡尔拉格菲尔德以及歌剧女歌手蕾妮弗莱明。

    Albert 's sisters , Princesses Caroline and Stephanie , both dressed in pink , smiled as they watched the couple marry in front of a crowd that included French President Nicolas Sarkozy , Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld and opera singer Renee Fleming .