
  • 网络Atlas Mountains;High Atlas
  1. 活动在雄伟的阿特拉斯山脉举行。

    The events took place against the dramatic backdrop of the Atlas mountains .

  2. 阿特拉斯山脉的一种阿尔及利亚常绿高大树种,叶蓝绿色;装饰用。

    Tall Algerian evergreen of Atlas mountains with blue-green leaves ; widely planted as an ornamental .

  3. 艾因塞夫拉海拔近1000米,处于阿特拉斯山脉的环绕之中。这团冷空气上升到这一高度,并在8日清晨带来降雪。

    This mass of cold air rose 3280 feet to the elevation of Ain Sefra , a town surrounded by the Atlas Mountains , and began to snow early Sunday morning .

  4. 在海拔约3900米(13000英尺)的地方,Arroumd村庄坐落在摩洛哥阿特拉斯山脉的一大堆岩石之上。

    At about 3900 meters ( 13000 ft ) above sea level , the village of Arroumd sits perilously atop a huge pile of rocks in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco .