
ā lā bó zì mǔ
  • Arabic alphabet;Arabic letters
  1. 从文字系统的视角来看世界的话,世界有五大主要文化圈:汉字文化圈、阿拉伯字母文化圈、印度字母文化圈、斯拉夫字母文化圈和拉丁字母文化圈。

    If we see the world from the perspective of the writing system , the world has five major cultural circle : Chinese character cultural circle , the Arabic letters cultural circle , India letters cultural circle , Slavic letters cultural circle and Latin letters cultural circle .

  2. 论文叙述了基于阿拉伯字母的维吾尔文、哈萨克文、柯尔克孜文的OMR信息采集系统的设计方法。

    This paper presents design of the Uighur , Kazak , Kirgiz OMR information acquire system and the Uighur Optical Mark Code for the examination register information acquiring .

  3. 帕梅拉为什么无法打信?阿拉伯字母电传打字机

    Why can 't Pamela type the letter ? Arabic teleprinter

  4. 阿拉伯字母电传打字机按‘换字键’然后打字母‘A’。

    Arabic teleprinter Press ` Shift ' and type ` A ' .

  5. 在官方文件中阿拉伯字母被拉丁字母所取代。

    Arabic script was replaced by the Roman alphabet in official documents .

  6. 论文提出的编码方案和转换方法,对基于阿拉伯字母的维、哈、柯文信息采集应用领域有一定的指导和参考意义。

    The code and code convert method is of importance to the Uighur , Kazak and Kirgiz information acquire and application field .

  7. 库玛和许多搬运工一样,只会简单的阿拉伯数字和字母,如假包换的一个文盲。

    Kumar and many porters , as only a simple Arabic numerals and letters , disguising an illiterate .

  8. 如果元素有type属性,则用这个值来决定应该如何格式化每个列表项的数字(罗马数字、阿拉伯数字或按字母次序的字符)。

    If the element has a type attribute , use its value to figure out how the number of each list item should be formatted ( Roman numerals , Arabic numerals , or alphabetic characters ) .