
Wu Chinese is one of seven major dialect groups in China and is the second largest dialect group next to Northern dialect .
It has been about twenty years since the Jing Dialect was seperated from the mandarin and turned out to be one of the ten dialects in China .
The folk music popular in the U-Tsang dialect area , Kham dialect area , and Amdo dialect area differ clearly in style and music genres within the three areas also are not completely the same .
The paper indicates that it is necessary to draw distributing maps of the Chinese dialect 's features , especially grammatical features , and it should draw atlas of each group of the Chinese dialect even historical atlas of the Chinese dialect .
In the paper , mathematics models of the dialect region determination , the subordinate relationship between the point dialect and the piece dialect which is set up by fuzzy vector , and the diversity among dialects defined by fuzzy class distance , are describe .
The significance of this paper is shown in the following ways : As a comprehensive study of the historical stratifications of the two Chinese main dialects by using a new theory-the historical stratum approach , this dissertation has a positive significance in improving that theory .
Hakka group is an important group of Han nationality , In addition , the Hakka dialect is one of the ten large Chinese dialects in China . The study on Hakka dialect is significant to the Hakka 's history , Hakka 's culture and Chinese dialect .
A great many ancient Chinese dialect words have died out , the other still in use have intended to be expanded and more southwards so that north dialect district has become bigger and bigger , north and south dialect are interfaced to produce the dialect complexity .
That 's according to a post titled ' China 's Top 10 Most Difficult Dialects ' -- known as fang yan in Mandarin -- that 's been trending on Weibo , China 's microblogging service . Wenzhou , the free-wheeling commercial metropolis in Zhejiang province , took the crown .