
jìnɡ yǔ
  • respectful expression;honorific form
敬语 [jìng yǔ]
  • [word of respect] 含恭敬口吻的语言

  • 讲敬语、懂外语的服务员多起来了

  1. 所有雇员相互称呼时都须在名字后添加敬语san(日语表示“先生”,“女士”)。

    All employees will refer to each other by the honorific suffix ' san ' .

  2. Junco小姐——如果可以把敬语用在一个机器身上的话——是日本各地涌现的初代机器人中的一员。

    Ms. Junco - if you can use an honorific for a machine - joins an incipient group of androids springing up around Japan .

  3. 艾扬格被许多人依照梵语中的敬语,称为尊敬的上师(guru-ji),他的死讯在周三早上传遍了印度。

    The news about Mr. Iyengar or guru-ji , as many here called him , using a Sanskrit honorific rippled through India on Wednesday morning .

  4. 艾扬格被许多人依照梵语中的敬语,称为“尊敬的上师”(guru-ji),他的死讯在周三早上传遍了印度。

    The news about Mr. Iyengar - or " guru-ji , " as many here called him , using a Sanskrit honorific - rippled through India on Wednesday morning .

  5. 浅谈宾馆日语教学中的敬语问题

    Elementary Introduction to the Problems of Honorific Word in Hotel Japanes

  6. 日语现代敬语的形成、特征及发展趋向浅析

    Formation , Characterisitics and Development Of Modern Polite Expressions in Japanese

  7. 日语敬语学习一直是困扰中国学习者的难点。

    The Japanese honorific is always the difficult point for Chinese learners .

  8. 谈日语敬语表达的变迁

    On Changes of Expressions of the Honorific Form in Japanese

  9. 敬语的教学难点及指导方法举例

    The Teaching Difficulties in KeiGo and Examples of Instruction

  10. 因此,正确使用敬语对于日本人来说至关重要。

    Therefore , the proper use of honorifics is essential for the Japanese .

  11. 请记住使用我应得的敬语。

    And remember to use only the respectful words I deserve so well .

  12. 另外,备忘录中通常不用称呼及结尾敬语。

    Besides , a memorandum does not need a salutation and complimentary close .

  13. 英汉文化中的礼貌透视中日敬语比较

    On Comparison of Politeness between Japanese and Chinese

  14. 旅游日语与敬语服务略论公务日本语

    Japanese for Tourism and Service with Honorific Language

  15. 汉语敬语体现出较强的交互主观性特点。

    Intersubjectivity is the derivative of subjectivity and Chinese honorifics embody evident intersubjective characteristics .

  16. 侍者们用敬语招呼顾客;

    Waiters address their customers with honorifics ;

  17. 试论日语中的敬语现象

    Analyzing the Phenomenon of Honorifics in Japanese

  18. 陛下。这不过是敬语。无伤大雅。

    A harmless courtesy , Your Grace .

  19. 日本人使用很多敬语。

    The Japanese use many honorifics .

  20. 中日敬语比较日汉翻译中的词译与句译

    On Comparison of Politeness between Japanese and Chinese A Method of Translating from Japanese into Chinese

  21. 上古敬语是上古先民在创造上古物质文明与精神文明的伟大社会实践中产生的。

    Polite expressions emerged from social practices in which ancient people created material and spirit civilization .

  22. 在商业场合,除非对方告诉你不需要用敬语,否则就得用正式称呼。

    In business situations , use formal titles unless the people you meet tell you otherwise .

  23. 本文试图从敬语的表达方式、使用状况、形成原因三个方面对汉语、韩语的敬语进行比较研究。

    This paper attempts to compare the Chinese , Korean honorifics by honorific expressions , condition .

  24. 韩国语的助词和敬语很发达,这是韩国语语法的一大特点。

    The particle and honorific of Korean are well-developed , which is a Korean grammar feature .

  25. 通过日语中的敬语,在谈话中你能和人进一步的接近。

    By using the honorifics in Japanese , you can easily get closer with people in conversation .

  26. 复杂、发达的敬语表达方式暗示了主语的存在;

    ( ii ) the complex and substantial honorific expressions indicate the existence of the omitted subject ;

  27. 特别是关于日语敬语的未来发展,在日本国内甚至出现内容完全相反的意见并存的现象。

    Especially when regarding future development of Japanese honorific , there are even opinions contradictory in content co-existing .

  28. 负面礼貌策略包括:把对受邀者的强加降到最低,提供选择,使用尊敬语。

    The strategies of negative politeness include : minimizing the imposition , giving options , and using honorifics .

  29. 日语的敬语表达形式并非一成不变,它随着社会的发展而不断演变。

    Instead of remaining unchanged , the honorifics in Japanese evolve constantly along with the development of society .

  30. 前人的研究表明,汉日敬语系统之间存在共性和异性。

    The past research suggests that there are generality and differences between Chinese honorific system and Japanese honorific system .