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jìng guǐ shén ér yuǎn zhī
  • keep sb. at a distance;stay at a respectful distance from sb.
敬鬼神而远之 [jìng guǐ shén ér yuǎn zhī]
  • [stay at a respectful distance from sb.] 语出《论语.雍也》,原意是敬之而不亲近之意。现在常用来指对某些人所持的一种态度,即不愿理睬他,又怕得罪他,所以对他客客气气,但是绝不接近

  • 他们是一些特权人物,专做伤天害理,两面三刀的勾当。对他们,他从来是敬鬼神而远之

敬鬼神而远之[jìng guǐ shén ér yuǎn zhī]
  1. 在过去数十年以来,我国华裔对回教党敬鬼神而远之,已经成为一种根深蒂固的心态。

    For past decades , PAS was always feared by the Chinese community and this had been deep rooted in to their mind .

  2. 相比之下,中国的神更具神性,更令人敬鬼神而远之。

    Comparatively , China 's gods , with the divine nature , makes one respect gods but want to get far away from them .