
jìnɡ xiānɡ
  • offer incense ;offer joss sticks before the Buddha;light incense before the Buddha
敬香 [jìng xiāng]
  • [burn joss sticks piously] 给神佛虔诚地烧香。亦比喻给有权势的人送礼行贿

  1. 每年到拉萨朝佛敬香的信教群众均达百万人次以上。

    More than 1 million worshipers make the pilgrimage to Lhasa each year .

  2. 格雷斯·巴姆艾尔为祖先们敬香。

    Grace Bavumile burns incense to call the ancestors .

  3. 带着女儿来为包公敬香的陆颖(音译)女士表示,一位特权政治阶层人物受审是件好事。她引用政府的宣传说:没有人可以凌驾于法律之上。

    Lu Ying , a woman who had brought her daughter to burn incense for Lord Bao , said it was a good thing a member of the privileged political class was being tried . Nobody is above the law , she said , echoing official propaganda .