
  1. 不守时表示我们不尊重他人;我们在打扰别人的个人时间。

    Being unpunctual , we are not respectful of others ; we are interfering with another man 's time .

  2. 通过尊重他人、管好自己、以社区为荣,你很快就会成为大家欣赏的好邻居。

    By following the basic rules of respecting others , taking care of what belongs to you , and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood in general , you will quickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciate .

  3. 他告诉我们要理解并尊重他人。

    He told that we should understand and respect each other .

  4. 这是一个尊重他人隐私的地方。

    This is a place that respects the privacy of others .

  5. 西班牙的报纸比之英国报纸更尊重他人。

    The Spanish press has more respect than the British one .

  6. 尊重他人应享的游历品质。

    Respect other visitors and protect the quality of their experience .

  7. 你尊重他人,他人也会尊重你。

    Respect other people ; in return they will respect you .

  8. 尊重他人的观点也是一种科学态度。

    Respecting other 's view is a science attitude as well .

  9. 人们应该尊重他人财产,比伯说。

    People should respect other 's property . Bieber said .

  10. 我妈妈教我,要尊重他人。

    My mum taught me about having respect for others .

  11. 尊重他人,就是给自己一个幸福的机会。

    Respecting others will offer yourself an occasion for happiness .

  12. 要尊重他人的人权,致力发展健康的友情。

    Respect other people 's rights and work on developing healthy relationships .

  13. 我不尊重他人,我自己也不值得尊重。

    I disposed of people , and I 'm disposable .

  14. 诚实正直,尊重他人,与他人良好沟通。

    Honest , respect and go along well with others .

  15. 我们教导学生要尊重他人。

    Our students are imbued with a sense of respect .

  16. 所以,尝试来理解和尊重他人是非常有用的。

    So it is useful trying to understand and respect the person .

  17. 只有学会尊重他人,才能热爱他人;

    You cannot love anyone or anything unless you first respect them .

  18. 我怎么才能自觉地做到尊重他人呢?

    How can I treat people with respect automatically ?

  19. 因此,尊重他人也就是尊重他们为理性人。

    Respecting persons , therefore , means to respect them as rational creatures .

  20. 排练时切忌迟到,并记得尊重他人。

    Never be late for rehearsals and respect others .

  21. 你应尊重他人的想法,毕竟每个人的做事方法与步调都不尽相同。

    Honor the notion that each person 's process and pacing is different 。

  22. 他很尊重他人的权力。

    He is careful of the rights of others .

  23. 二是培养大学生尊重他人的态度。

    Second , foster their attitude of respecting others .

  24. 抓住每个机会说英语(当然也要尊重他人)。

    Speak at every opportunity , with respect for others , of course .

  25. 请您尊重他人的知识产权以及劳动成果!

    The intellectual property right that please respect others and achievement of working !

  26. 尊重他人的个人选择——不要批评或评判。

    Respect other people 's personal choices - don 't criticize or judge .

  27. 当我们说到要尊重他人的时候,我们指的是不要伤害到别人的自尊心。

    When we say respect others , we mean not to hurt others'self-respect .

  28. 尊重他人的隐私。

    One , respect the other 's privacy .

  29. 科学态度的另一部分就是尊重他人的观点。

    Another part of a scientific attitude is respect for the views of others .

  30. 不到万不得已我才会去管点闲事,一般我还是很尊重他人的隐私的。

    I try to respect people 's privacy unless I have to be nosy .