
  1. 尊卑有序、男女有别;

    The order of superiority and inferiority ;

  2. 中国传统建筑“内外有别”、“尊卑有序”、“宗庙为先”皆源于传统伦理规范&礼。

    Chinese traditional architecture was shown as distinction between inside and outside , priority in rank , and ancestral temple of a ruling house must be the first .

  3. 可以说,身份社会是一个尊卑有序的等级社会,身份乃是特权的来源和标志,身份相异,法律地位也就迥然不同。

    It can be said that the status society is a high and low order rank society , the status is the privilege origin and the symbol , the status is different , the legal status is also totally different .