
  • 网络the right of dignity
  1. 特别是对于证人应当享有的人格尊严和知情权等。

    Especially , the legal right to know and personal dignity should be drawn enough attention .

  2. 由于拍照、摄影会对拍摄对象的个人尊严及隐私权等造成侵犯,需要遵守法定的条件及程序。

    The statutory conditions and procedures must be observed because picture taking and photography will violate photographic objects'personal dignity and privacy .

  3. 第三章分析了隐性采访中的具体人格侵权行为。在我国,具体人格权包括人格尊严、名誉权、肖像权、隐私权等。

    In China , specific personality right includes human dignity , reputation , image rights , and the right to privacy .

  4. 我们有权发表见解,有权拥有尊严,有权享受平等待遇,

    We are right to speak out and we are right to use the rhetoric of human dignity and fairness for all .

  5. 名誉不同于名誉权,名誉权与荣誉权、人格尊严、隐私权等人身权也有区别。

    There are differences among the right of reputation , the right of fame , the personal dignity , and the right of privacy .

  6. 而建立在对纳税人不信任基础上的定额发票显然蕴涵了这样一种推断,即是政府公权力的扩张及对纳税人的人格尊严、财产权等宪法权利的侵犯。

    The quota invoice is built on the basis of mistrust , violated the constitutional rights of taxpayers , including personal dignity , property rights , equal rights and so on .

  7. 人格尊严权是宪法保护的公民基本权利之一,不能把人格尊严看作是生命权的内容。

    The right of dignity is not the content of right of life .

  8. 从性质来看,尊严死并非求死权,而是一种死亡方式选择权。

    From the view of nature , death with dignity is not right to die , but a choice of death manner .

  9. 就知识消费所涉及到的知识隐私而言,其维护的不外乎仍是使用者的人格尊严和自我决定权。

    Knowledge consumption relates to the " knowledge of privacy ", the maintenance of human dignity than is user and right to self determination .

  10. 国家征税权不能无度行使,公民人性尊严是国家征税权的限度。国家征税权的限度可以获得经济解释。

    The tax power can not be executed without control , and its limitation which could be explained from an economic perspective lies in the human dignity of citizens .

  11. 刑事诉讼中证人的权利主要应当包括:安全保障权、人格尊严、物质补偿权、知情权、申诉控告权、免证特权等。

    The witness 's rights in criminal action should mainly include the following : right to guarantee security , personal dignity , right to get material damage , right to know , right to prosecute , and right to avoid witness , etc.