
zūn zhǎng
  • elders and betters;elder;superior
尊长 [zūn zhǎng]
  • [elder;superior] 地位或辈分比自己高的人

尊长[zūn zhǎng]
  1. 就雕塑艺术来说,亨利摩尔是一位尊长。

    In terms of sculpture , Moore was a father figure .

  2. 在尊长的面前,不要卖弄自己的才能。

    In front of an elder , do not show off .

  3. 会见尊长,要快步走到他面前;

    When meeting an elder , I will walk briskly towards him ;

  4. 当尊长还站着,你不要坐下。

    When an elder is standing , do not sit .

  5. 在他们眼中,教师是尊长,是父辈,要与他们交心为友简直是难比登天!

    Intheir eyes , teachers are elders , so it is harder than reach the sky !

  6. 与尊长交谈,声音要柔和适中,回答的音量太小让人听不清楚,也是不恰当的。

    But you are wrong if you 're speaking So softly that no one can hear .

  7. 最后几个月里我敬若尊长的顾问弗里德里·吕申来到了总理府。

    My pATernal adviser of the past few months , Fried-rich Luschen , had arrived AT the Chancellery .

  8. 不像季节性流感,每每是稍年尊长情形最差,猪流感冲击孩子最主要。

    Unlike seasonal flu , which tends to be worst among the elderly , swine flu hits kids hardest .

  9. 新年拜家中尊长及到亲友处祝贺,是中国民间的传统习俗。

    Visit home elder and go to relatives and friends'place to congratulate in New Year , China folk traditional custom .

  10. 会见尊长,要快步走到他面前;离开时,动作不要太仓促。

    When meeting an elder , I will walk briskly towards him ; when leaving , I will not exit in haste .

  11. 本章从宴饮礼俗、饮食与祭祀、饮食与尊长养老等方面看食礼。

    This chapter from the feast customs , diet and ritual , respect for the elderly and support for the elderly to see catering manners .

  12. 如果是乘车,你应该要停下车来问尊长是否可以载他一程。

    If you are riding in a carriage , you should stop , get out of the carriage , and ask if you can give him a ride ( 19 ) .

  13. 因为我是王,是他们的主子,我将恍然大悟:我生活在这些奴才们中间,连我所敬畏的尊长和师友也无一不是奴才,而我自己也不过是一个奴才的首领。

    Because I was king , their lord . I would soon find that I was living among the despicable flunkeys , including my revered elders , teachers and friends , and that I was nothing but their chieftain .

  14. 我将看见所有的人们在我面前低头,鞠躬,匍匐,连同我的尊长、我的师友,和从前曾经在我面前昂头阔步耀武扬威的人们。

    I would see all people hang their heads , bow low or prostrate themselves at my feet , including my respected elders , teachers , friends and even those who had used to swagger arrogantly in front of me .

  15. 我是民国国民,民国国民的思想和生活习惯使我深深地憎恶一切奴才或奴才相,连同敬畏的尊长和师友们。

    I am the citizen of the Republic . Being accustomed to the mode of thinking and living of a republican citizen , I would deeply abhor all servility and flunkeys , including my esteemed elders , teachers and friends .

  16. 在为印度的财富墨西哥和波托西的金矿银矿所引诱的青年男子看来,尊长们的赞许以及世代相传的荣耀的行会特权能有什么意义呢?

    What did a young man care about the approval of respectability , or honorable guild privileges handed down for generations , when the wealth of India beckoned to him , the gold and the silver mines of Mexico and potosi ?

  17. 中国古代遗嘱继承制度的特点表现在两方面,一是能采取遗嘱继承方式的被继承人有严格的身份地位限制,即只能是父祖尊长;

    Testamentary succession in ancient China had two features : one was that a strict limitation was imposed on the personal status of the deceased who could adopt this method , that is , they could only be grandfather or father .

  18. 因为我是王,是他们的主子,我将恍然大悟:我生活在这些奴才们中间,连我所敬畏的尊长和师友也无一不是奴才,而自己也不过是一个奴才的首领。

    Because I was king , their master . It would suddenly dawn on me that living among these flunkeys , including my esteemed elders , teachers and friends , I myself , too , was nothing but a mere head flunkey .

  19. 我将变成一个暴君,或者反而正是明君:我将把我的臣民一齐杀死,连同尊长和师友,不准一个奴种留在人间。

    I would rather be a tyrant , or there fore , in my case , a wise king to be exact , and slaughter all my subjects , including my respected elders , teachers and friends , leaving none of them to propagate in the world .

  20. 其中事亲长主要是以父母、老师和其他尊长为施礼对象,通过一系列的礼仪规范,培养晚辈对尊长的恭敬谦卑之心,以达到明人伦的目的。

    Serving elder , like parents , teachers and other elders , aims at training the younger generation to be humility to elders by learning a series of etiquette . What the younger generation has to learn is in order to achieve the purpose of " comprehend proprieties " .