
  • 网络export financing;Export Finance;Project & Export Finance
  1. 协会也收集和传播有关出口融资和下属地区的支付体系的数据资料。

    The association also collects and disseminate data on export financing and sub-regional payments systems .

  2. 本文在分析高技术中小企业出口融资现状及融资难原因的基础上,提出了相应的对策建议。

    The paper analyses the status and reasons of its export financing difficulty , then points out some advice and measures .

  3. 汇丰(HSBC)亚洲项目和出口融资主管詹姆斯•卡梅隆(JamesCameron)表示:每个人给出的数字都不同。只有一件事是肯定的,这些数字全是错的、但它们全都很大。

    Everyone will give you a different number . The one thing is they will all be wrong but they will all be big , said James Cameron , head of project and export finance for HSBC in Asia .

  4. 利用出口融资租赁扩大我国机电产品出口研究

    Research in Boosting Export of China 's Machines Through Export Finance Lease

  5. 自治区建立广西出口融资担保资金。

    The Autonomous Region shall establish Guangxi Financing Guarantee Fund .

  6. 二是租赁公司自身如何完善出口融资租赁业务。

    Secondly , how to carry out and perfect export lease businesses for lease companies .

  7. 建立广西出口融资担保资金

    To establish Guangxi Financing Guarantee Fund

  8. 福费廷作为出口融资方式之一种,在我国还处于发展的初级阶段。

    As a sort of patterns of export financing business , forfaiting is in primary phase of its development in our country .

  9. 本文从两个层次对机电产品出口融资租赁进行了深入的分析:一是如何在政策上支持租赁公司开展出口融资租赁业务。

    Two aspects of export finance lease are focused in this article : firstly , how to expand export finance lease in policies .

  10. 解决高技术中小企业出口融资困难,探索有效的出口融资渠道,促进高技术中小企业出口,意义重大。

    So it has great significance to solve its export financing problems , to look for export financing channel and to expand its export .

  11. 对部分美日计划会排除的项目,澳大利亚和韩国的计划会继续允许出口融资。

    The plans from Australia and South Korea would continue to allow export financing for some of the projects the US-Japan plan would rule out .

  12. 贸易信贷包括出口融资受阻可能会令印度经济部分领域限于停滞,尤其是中小企业。

    Blocked trade credit including export finance is threatening to bring parts of the Indian economy to a standstill , particularly small and medium sized businesses .

  13. 韩国产业银行表示,它将最快在下周筹集大约10亿美元,以帮助正苦于应对美元短缺的小公司得到出口融资。

    The Korea Development Bank said it would raise about $ 1bn as early as next week to help small companies , struggling with a shortage of dollars , to finance exports .

  14. 他补充说,美国有数百家中小型企业为通用电气供货,这些企业的生存在许多情况下依赖于美国进出口银行帮助安排出口融资和担保。

    Hundreds of small and medium enterprises in the US supply GE and their survival in many cases depends on Ex-Im Bank helping to arrange export financing and guarantees , he added .

  15. 本文主要通过对信用证项下的出口融资、进口融资两方面的分类叙述,逐项分析业务中潜在的信用风险,从而使银行相关授信部门对风险能防范未然。

    This paper analyzes potential credit risks in the business one by one through describing the export and import financing under credit letters , so that the bank credit departments could prevent the risks .

  16. 上个月美国和日本之间达成的妥协协议,仍将允许对效率最高的燃煤发电站提供出口融资,却会限制对许多污染更大、效率更低的发电站的支持。

    The compromise deal reached last month between the US and Japan would still allow export financing for the most efficient types of coal power plants , but restrict support for many dirtier , less efficient units .

  17. 虽然该党许多中间派人士支持对该行再次授权,但保守派批评人士却声称,该行为通用电气这类大企业提供了不必要的补贴,因为这些企业可通过私人渠道轻而易举地获得所需的出口融资。

    While many centrists in the party support the agency 's reauthorisation , conservative critics argue that it provides unneeded subsidies to big companies such as GE which can easily obtain the export financing they need from private sources .

  18. 若经合组织国家限制对燃煤发电站的出口融资支持,会令该产业雪上加霜。在过去四年里,煤炭产业已受创于令煤炭价格暴跌的供应过剩。

    But if OECD countries were to curb their export financing support for coal power plants it would add to the woes of an industry suffering from a glut in supply that has driven coal prices sharply down over the past four years .

  19. 周二,美国和中国同意就制定出口信贷融资的指导原则举行磋商,此举有望使中国向经合组织(OECD)成员国所使用的规则靠拢。

    On Tuesday , the US and China agreed to begin talks on setting guidelines for export-credit financing which could bring Beijing within rules used by OECD member countries .

  20. 厂房机器出口的融资之类的事。

    Plant and machinery ? that sort of thing .

  21. 打包式信贷解决了中外商人出口贸易融资问题,成为中国新型融资方式;

    Packing credit of HSBC was a new financing way and helped to resolve the capital problems in China 's export businesses .

  22. 随着经济全球化的发展趋势,出口贸易融资业务正成为国内外商业银行竞争的焦点之一。

    Along with the development of the global economy , export trade financing has become one of the competition focus for both domestic and foreign commercial banks .

  23. 公共投资成本可以主要通过以下途径融资:公共收费,逐步提高碳排放税,以及为基础设施出口提供融资的国际贷款的还款。

    Public investment costs could be financed mainly by public tolls , gradually rising carbon taxes and by repayments of international loans to finance the export of infrastructure .

  24. 其中,出口贸易融资业务涉及了贷款和透支、打包贷款、出口信用证押汇、出口托收押汇、出口贴现等;

    For export trade finance , it involves overdraft and loan , packing loan , letter of credit negotiation , outward documentary collection advance , export discount and etc ;

  25. 福费廷作为一款出口贸易融资产品,因其不占用企业信用额度,由融资银行无追索权地买断债权的突出特点,越来越广泛的被中国企业所接受和欢迎。

    Forfeiting , as a kind of foreign trade finance , provides non-recourse finance , without engrossing the enterprise credit . It is more and more widely used and welcomed by the Chinese enterprises .

  26. 国际保理业务中应收账款债权让与的法律分析国际保理是集应收账款催收、出口贸易融资、销售分户账管理、信用销售控制与坏帐担保于一体的综合性金融服务。

    International factoring is a comprehensive tool of international settlement and financing provided by factors to exporters , which involves collection of accounts receivables , export trade financing , sales ledger administration , credit control and full protection against bad debts .

  27. 本论文针对上述问题,理论联系实际,运用经济学、金融学和管理学等基础知识和分析工具,对农村商业银行拓展出口贸易融资业务提出了一些粗浅的看法和建议。

    Based on the view of the above-mentioned questions , the paper applies theory into reality , utilizing elementary knowledge and analysis tool of economics , finance and management , brings forward some shallow views and suggestions on developing export trade financing for rural commercial banks .

  28. 金融危机下中小出口企业贸易融资问题探析

    Analysis of Trade Financing for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under the Background of Financial Crisis

  29. 过去一年里,经合组织秘书处一直在主持闭门会议,努力最终确定有关限制出口机构煤炭融资的通用规则。

    The OECD secretariat has been hosting closed-door meetings for the past year in an effort to finalise common rules on restricting export agency coal financing .

  30. 今后中国将继续向发展中国家提供一定规模的优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷融资支持。

    China will continue to extend financing support of a certain scale to developing countries in the form of concessional loans and preferential export buyer 's credit .