
chū yáng xiàng
  • make a scene;play the fool;make a spectacle of oneself;make an exhibition of oneself
出洋相 [chū yáng xiàng]
  • [make an exhibition of oneself] 露出令人作笑的丑相;略带幽默的失态

  • 他试图使他的上司出洋相来让听众开心

出洋相[chū yáng xiàng]
  1. 为什么你今天要喝酒,又去出洋相呢?

    Why the hell did you drink and make a scene today ?

  2. 我看见人们出洋相并不幸灾乐祸。

    I find no pleasure in seeing people make asses of themselves .

  3. 你不要出洋相。

    Don 't make a spectacle of yourself .

  4. 他常常当众出洋相。

    He often cut up in public .

  5. 哎哟,幸亏你告诉我,要是在正式的场合我把某位大人物称为dude,那可不就出洋相了吗!

    Dude just means guy . However , it is very informal , so you 'd sound silly if you called someone important a dude , or used it in a formal situation .

  6. 胜利者甚至可能在某个阶段以为彻底失败了,这一终极考验仍可能降临到米特罗姆尼(mittromney)头上(目前他处在领先位置但不能令人振奋,而其他候选人不断出洋相)。

    The winner may even at one stage have thought that all is lost and that ultimate test could yet apply even to Mitt Romney , as he stolidly ploughs at the head of the field while his contenders keep stumbling .

  7. 不要出洋相了,别发脾气。

    Stop making an exhibition of yourself and control your temper .

  8. 你总是可以指望他会自己出洋相。

    You can always rely on him making a fool of himself .

  9. 我也相信,出洋相者并非我一人。

    And in this I do not think that I stand alone .

  10. 我不会在公从面前出洋相,这就是区别。

    I don 't look silly in public . That 's the difference .

  11. 他怕在所有朋友面前出洋相。

    He 's afraid of looking foolish in front of all his friends .

  12. 好让我出洋相给你开开心?

    So you can have the satisfaction of making me look a fool ?

  13. 就我的经验看,你出洋相从来不用我帮忙。

    My experience , you don 't need any help looking like a fool .

  14. 赞助奥运的风险在于:如果你办砸了,你就会在广大公众面前出洋相。

    The risk is that if you mess up , you do so very publicly .

  15. 你让自己丢人了/你让自己出洋相了。

    You made a fool of yourself .

  16. 爱德华,别再在那张桌子上跳舞了&你是在出洋相。

    Edward , stop dancing on that tabl & you 're making such an exhibition of yourself ?

  17. 她因缺乏训练,很担心会出洋相。

    Because she is lacking in training , she is afraid of make an exhibition of herself .

  18. 西蒙酒喝得太多时总是出洋相。

    Simon always makes a complete ass of himself when he 's had to much to drink .

  19. 其实如果你们真的想知道真相正是因为我有可能出洋相……

    In fact , if you really want to know the truth I had to come exactly because ...

  20. 他们要等大家都酩酊大醉时才来,好站在一旁看咱们出洋相。

    They come when everybody 's high so they can stand around and watch us make fools of ourselves .

  21. 成功的语言习得者与众不同:他们不担心犯错误或出洋相。

    Successful language acquirers do something else : they don 't worry about getting things wrong or making fools of themselves .

  22. 因为从过去的教训中他们学到的是,让别人看起来糟糕的唯一手段就是让自己也出洋相。

    They 've learnt through bitter experience that the only thing that happens when you make someone look bad is you look bad yourself .

  23. 所以我今天一定要来我必须来尽管我害怕自己会出洋相

    So I had to be here . I had to come even though I was afraid I might make a fool of myself .

  24. 基辛本想用这个可笑的题目让我出洋相,但是我确信他反而会成为全班的笑柄的。

    Keesing was trying to play a joke on me with this ridiculous subject , but I 'd make sure the joke was on him .

  25. 伦敦市长鲍里斯-约翰逊因为行事奇特和爱作秀著称,但最近这次出洋相肯定不是他计划好的。

    London mayor Boris Johnson is known for his eccentric methods and publicity stunts , but even he couldn 't have planned his latest moment of fame .

  26. 虽然翻译出洋相已是司空见惯,但更常见、有时甚至更糟糕的情况是在翻译能帮上大忙的场合却没有翻译。

    Translation bloopers were commonplace , but even more common and sometimes more devastating was the absence of translation in places where it would have been very helpful .