
xiānɡ hù zūn zhònɡ
  • mutual respect
  1. 他们之间产生了深切的相互尊重和理解。

    A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them .

  2. 在宣布惠特沃斯辞职的新闻发布会上,从发言中可以明显感受到CEO与董事会主席之间的相互尊重。

    The mutual respect between the CEO and chair was evident in their statements in the tech giant 's press release announcing Whitworth 's departure .

  3. 成员国遵循“上海精神”,加强政治、经济、安全、人文等领域合作,树立了相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系典范。

    Committed to the Shanghai Spirit , SCO members have enhanced cooperation in the political , economic , security , people-to-people and cultural fields ,

  4. 教育对外交流与合作坚持独立自主、平等互利、相互尊重的原则,不得违反中国法律,不得损害国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。

    In conducting foreign exchange and co-operation in education , the principles of independence , equality , mutual benefit and mutual respect shall be adhered to , the laws of the People 's Republic of China shall not be violated , and the State sovereignty and security and public interests shall not be harmed .

  5. 嗯,我认为这是由于Sheldon和我志同道合且相互尊重因而保持联系的缘故,而你却因为一些童年遗留问题对我敬而远之。

    Leonard 's mom : Well , I would assume it 's because Sheldon and I stay in touch due to mutual interest and respect , while you avoid me , due to unresolved childhood issues .

  6. 告诉AXL我们人与人之间如何相互尊重,并尽量举些关于人类珍爱和友情的例证。

    AXL about how we think , how we feel about each other , and try to give examples of love and friend-ship .

  7. 在ARF中处处可以发现东盟方式的影子,许多成员国加入了《东南亚友好合作条约》,这表示他们之间相互尊重彼此的主权,遵守不干涉内政等国际关系原则。

    The ASEAN Way can be found in many aspects in ARF . Many members entered into the treaty of friendship and cooperation , which shows that they respect the sovereignty of each other and abide by the international principle of non-interference to others ' domestic affairs .

  8. 生于匈牙利的犹太作家、大屠杀(Holocaust)集中营的幸存者、同为诺贝尔文学奖得主的凯尔泰斯•伊姆雷(KertészImre)说:“虽然我们不曾涉猎同样的题材,但我们是朋友,我们相互尊重。”

    Imre Kertesz , a Hungarian-born ­ Jewish writer and Holocaust concentration camp survivor who also won a literature Nobel , said : " We did not deal with the same subjects but we were friends and we had mutual respect . "

  9. 被评估者积极建立相互尊重的关系。

    The assessed is effective at building relationships that are respectful .

  10. 中美伙伴合作应该基于相互尊重。

    Our cooperation as partners should be based on mutual respect .

  11. 相互尊重、平等相待是国际关系中的基本准则。

    Mutual respect and equality are basic norms governing international relations .

  12. 我认为相互尊重和忠诚是很重要的。

    I think that mutual respect and loyalty is very important .

  13. 丰田方式强调人与人之间相互尊重和在改善活动中分享。

    TPS emphasizes respect for people and operator participation in improvement activities .

  14. 它们能共同地促进和帮助产生一个相互尊重的环境。

    Both should promote and contribute to an environment of mutual respect .

  15. 人与人之间相互尊重,需要一定的情感。

    Mutual respect between people , it needs some emotion .

  16. 我们时时刻刻相互尊重、尊敬。

    We treat each other with dignity and respect at all times .

  17. 我希望我们可以一起度过相互尊重的幸福生活。

    I hope that we could share the respect and happiness together .

  18. 我们坚持国与国之间的平等和相互尊重。

    We stand for equality and mutual respect between countries .

  19. 我们注重信任、相互尊重和开放的意见交流。

    We treasure trust , mutual respect and open communications .

  20. 要有良好的团队精神,团结友爱,相互尊重。

    Ensure good team spirit on work relations , interaction between people .

  21. 与任何一种人与人之间的冲突一样,只有相互尊重才是化解之道。

    As in all personal clashes , only mutual respect will achieve it .

  22. 相互尊重,礼貌待人是中华民族的传统美德。

    It is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation to treat people courteously .

  23. 马奈和左拉建立了牢固的友谊。他们相互尊重。

    Manet and Zola established a strong bond and respect for one another .

  24. 我们合作的基础是相互尊重,平等互利。

    Our cooperation is based on mutual respect , equality and mutual interests .

  25. 他们的合作是建立在相互尊重、信任和理解的基础上的。

    Their working together was based on mutual respect , trust and understanding .

  26. 朋友之间应该总是相互尊重和信任。

    Friends should always respect and trust each other .

  27. 在相互尊重和平等基础上开展对话与合作。

    Initiate dialogues and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and equality .

  28. 家庭关系日渐情感化,个人之间的相互尊重越来越受到重视。

    Family relationship became more emotional , individual respect each other more than before .

  29. 其次,它说明了相互尊重对方信仰的重要性。

    Additionally , it points out the importance of respecting the beliefs of others .

  30. 从理念上说,记者和编辑是彼此相互尊重的专业人士。

    Ideally , reporters and editors are professionals who treat one other with respect .