
xiànɡ wèi wù chā
  • phase error
  1. FFT相位误差分析及实用修正方法

    Analysis on Phase Error in FFT and a Practical Approach Method

  2. FFT相位误差的修正及转子轨迹图

    Correction of FFT phase error and vibration orbits of engine rotor

  3. 恶劣信道下的OFDM公共相位误差消除方法

    Common Phase Error Cancellation Scheme for OFDM in Severe Channel

  4. 非同步采样引起的双通道FFT的相位误差及其补偿

    Phase Bias Error and Compensation by Time Delay in Dual Channel FFT

  5. 线性相位误差对FMCWSAR成像质量的影响

    Influence of Linear Phase error to image Quality for FMCW SAR

  6. SAR的运动误差会造成相位误差,从而影响脉冲压缩的结果。

    The motion error of SAR will bring about phase error and affect the result of the pulse compression .

  7. 用SPIDER法还原飞秒脉冲振幅和相位误差

    Error of spectral intensity and phase of femtosecond laser pulse using SPIDER technique

  8. 相位误差、位置误差和灰度误差三者关系及SAR原始图像像元不确定性

    Study on the Relationship of Phase Uncertainties , Position Uncertainties and Gray Uncertainties and the Pixel Uncertainty of SAR Original Image

  9. 通过改进型的透镜设计,补偿了传统COBRA透镜天线的相位误差。

    The improved COBRA lens horn compensated phase error with a modified COBRA lens .

  10. 为得到聚焦良好的SAR图像,在传统的运动补偿之后,高分辨成像往往还要求从SAR回波数据中自动估计并补偿残余的相位误差,这一过程称为自聚焦。

    After traditional motion compensation , surviving phase error need to be estimated and compensated automatically in high resolution SAR imaging process to obtain well focused image .

  11. 相位误差对AWG波分复用器非相邻通道串扰影响的分析

    Analysis of Non-Adjacent Channel Crosstalk Level of AWG Device Induced by Random Phase Errors

  12. 剩余相位误差通过PGA进行补偿,从而得到0.3m高分辨SAR图像的成像。

    The residual Error was compensated by PGA method . Then the high quality of SAR image was obtained .

  13. 应用matlab仿真对回波窄带信号进行解调,分析相位误差产生的原因,论证了数字正交检波技术的优越性、可行性。

    Matlab software is applied on demodulating the narrow-band reflected signal by SAW , the reason of phase error is brought forward . The excellence and application of the digital quadrature demodulation is proveded .

  14. 本文详细分析舰船运动对SAR成像的影响,对运动引起的二次相位误差应用分块对比度最优自聚焦算法进行补偿;

    Based on the analysis of airborne SAR imaging process and result of ships on ocean surface , contrast optimum auto focus algorithm is applied to estimate ship 's Doppler chip rate .

  15. 提出了利用DSP技术测量电力参数的基本思想,对相位误差引起的电力参数中的有功功率和无功功率误差进行了补偿。

    This paper introduces the basic idea of applying DSP in the measuring of electric power parameters . The method is given to compensate errors of active power and reactive power caused by errors of phase .

  16. 本文研究全数字接收机中的同步技术,重点是MPSK信号的载波频偏和相位误差的估计和恢复算法。

    This thesis deals with the synchronization technologies for all digital receiver , particularly carrier offset estimation for MPSK signal .

  17. 数字图象m-QAM传输系统载波相位误差分析

    The Influence by Carrier Phase Error in Digital Image m-QAM Transmission System

  18. APF系统延时使APF补偿电流与指令电流之间存在一定的幅值和相位误差,对此提出一种自适应预测控制,以电网电流误差为判据,自适应调节预测算法的系数,最终实现电网电流误差最小。

    Delay of APF system caused amplitude and phase errors between compensating current and reference current . An adaptive predictive control was presented to solve this issue .

  19. 基于最小熵准则的自聚焦RD算法在一般RD算法的基础上引入最小熵准则来补偿由于大斜视角引起的相位误差,改善图像聚焦效果。

    RD algorithm based on minimum entropy criteria carries out the correction phase errors caused by high squint angle via searching error coefficients for improving the imaging focus effect .

  20. 而I、Q通道间的增益误差和相位误差会造成镜像干扰,影响系统性能。

    But any gain error or phase error between in-phase ( I ) path and quadrature phase ( Q ) path in the system will cause hermitian image interference and degrade the performance of the system .

  21. 一种阵列天线阵元位置、幅度及相位误差的有源校正方法增元通道增益不一致情况下一种新的DOA快速估计算法

    A New Calibration Technique with Signal Sources for Position , Gain and Phase Uncertainty of Sensor Array A novel approach to fast DOA estimation with sensor gain and phase perturbations

  22. 与FDTD方法相比,MRTD方法有较小的相位误差,因此在相同的网格尺寸的条件下,MRTD方法的数值色散小,计算精度高。

    Compared with FDTD , MRTD has less phase error and so its numerical dispersion is less with the same cells size .

  23. 自聚焦是ISAR成像中的一项关键技术,其目的是消除目标和雷达的径向运动引起的相位误差。

    As one of the key techniques in inverse synthetic radar ( ISAR ), autofocus is to eliminate the phase errors caused by the target radial motion .

  24. 详细推导了平面波模型在干涉SAR高程重建中引入的相位误差和高程误差,引入高程波动、相对高程波动和绝对高程波动等特性对平面波模型的适用性进行评定。

    The height reconstruction error introduced by wave plane model in InSAR height reconstruction is derived . On the basis of height fluctuation , relative height fluctuation and absolute height fluctuation , quantitative error analyses are given .

  25. 分析表明,振幅误差主要取决于孔径角θ,其他参数如频率f、速度υ、法线距离z等只是有限地影响相位误差。

    The analysis showed that the errors of amplitude mainly depend on aperture angle θ, the other parameters such as frequency f , velocity υ and normal distance z only have limited influence on errors of phase .

  26. 鲁棒前馈控制器是采用了零相位误差跟踪控制器(ZPETC)。

    Robust feedforward controller adopts zero phase error tracking controller ( ZPETC ) .

  27. 分析结果表明,MSK信号因载波相位误差而造成的误码性能恶化介于BPSK与QPSK之间。

    The results illustrate that the deterioration of error performances of MSK signal caused by false carrier phase is between that of BPSK and QPSK .

  28. 基于雷达回波信号的PGA算法是在时域估计和校正系统相位误差的一种方法,算法较简单。

    PGA algorithm based on radar echo signal is one method of estimating and correcting phase error in time domain , and its algorithm is simple to use .

  29. 文中以一组周期信号的DFT分析为例,比较了信号谱的幅度和相位误差,其结果表明频谱精度大大提高。

    As an example of application of this device , the results of the DFT analysis on a multi frequency signal are given , and the accuracy of these measurements is improved highly .

  30. 为实现精确轨迹控制,控制系统采用了零相位误差跟踪控制(ZPETC)技术。

    A zero-phase error-tracking controller ( ZPETC ) was used to reduce the phase error .