
  • 网络Crosstalk sketch;Crosstalk pieces
  1. 相声小品是我国大众娱乐的主要形式。

    The crosstalk ( comic dialogue ) is the main form of public entertainment in China .

  2. 本文从著名的相声小品演员和他们的作品着手,分析相声小品的地域特征。

    This article begins from the renowned crosstalk actors and their work , analyzing the geographic characteristics of crosstalk .

  3. 也指出,在相声小品的地方特色和影响范围之间,存在着二律背反现象。

    The article also points out that there is the phenomenon of antinomies between the crosstalk 's local characteristics and the impacts .

  4. 当今时代,由于双关特殊的修辞和语用效果,被大量复制,广泛运用于广告、短信、网络、相声小品和歌谣中,双关语句迅速传播,一时间蔚为大观。

    Nowadays , due to its special rhetorical and pragmatical effect , pun is widely used in advertising , messages , network , sketch and ballads .

  5. 相声小品非常受到大家欢迎的表演艺术,也是中国特有的艺术形式,最近,咱们合肥的曲艺爱好者在家门口就可以过把瘾。

    Crosstalk and short play are acclaimed stage performance art forms which are unique to China , Hefei Quyi lovers can now enjoy the " talk and singing art " not far from their homes .

  6. 晚会的节目丰富多彩:相声、小品让我们捧腹大笑;

    Evening programs colorful : comic , sketch let us into the new year ;

  7. 同时,近些年,有一些研究者运用合作原则和礼貌原则对某些文本形式,譬如文学著作,笑话故事,电影,相声,小品中对话的幽默进行研究。

    At the same time , in recent years , some researchers use the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle to study the humor in some materials , such as literature works , jokes , movies , comic dialogues and comic skits .