
  1. 今天,我演讲的题目是:尊重文明的多样性。

    The title of my speech today is Respect Diversity of Civilizations .

  2. 面对日益猖獗的国际恐怖主义,国际社会既要反恐又要反霸,尊重文明的多样性,加强国际反恐合作,从根本上铲除国际恐怖主义产生的根源。

    Facing the increasingly rampant terrorism , the world must fight against terrorism as well as oppose hegemonism , respect pluralism of civilization , strengthen international cooperation , eradicate the root of terrorism jointly .

  3. 我们历来主张尊重世界文明的多样性,倡导不同文明之间的对话、交流与合作。

    We have always called for respecting the diversity of civilizations and advocated dialogue , exchanges and cooperation among them .

  4. 我们尊重世界文明的多样性,加强不同文明之间的对话与交流,构建人类共有的精神家园。

    We respect the diversity of civilizations and will increase dialogue and exchanges with other civilizations to forge a common cultural bond for humanity .

  5. 我们应该尊重和维护世界文明的多样性。

    We should respect and maintain the diversity of the world 's civilizations .

  6. 当谈到共同的价值观时,我们也应尊重欧洲文明历史上的多样性。

    When speaking of common values , we should also respect the historical diversity of European civilisation .

  7. 尊重和发展世界文明的多样性,并在这种多样性中找到共同利益之所在,是人类社会向前发展的伟大动力。

    To respect and develop the diversity of world civilization and identify therefrom common interests are a great driving force propelling human society forward .